Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire: The Biggest Ideas in Science from Quanta...
Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire: The Biggest Ideas in Science from Quanta, Thomas Lin, ed.,The MIT Press, 2018.Accessible and essential coverage of today's challenging, speculative, cutting-edge...
View ArticleRyoko Sekiguchi takes the letters Fernando Pessoa wrote his would-be fiancée...
Ryoko Sekiguchi, adagio ma non troppo, Trans. by Lindsay Turner, Les Figues Press, 2018.adagio ma non troppo dossierRyoko Sekiguchi takes the letters Fernando Pessoa wrote his would-be fiancée Ophelia...
View ArticleAnne Kawala - a prose narrative continually interrupted by charts, collages,...
Anne Kawala, Screwball, Trans. by Kit Schluter. Canarium Books, 2018.excerpt (pdf)An experimental epic poem or novel, SCREWBALL (the indispensable deficit) follows a huntress-gatheress from home in the...
View ArticleAna Cristina Cesar - one of Brazil’s best known avant-garde poets. After her...
Ana Cristina César, At Your Feet, Trans. by Brenda Hillman, Helen Hillman, and Sebastião Edson Macedo, Parlor Press, 2018.excerptAna Cristina Cesar (1952-1983) has posthumously become one of Brazil’s...
View ArticleLaura Riding - an oddity that is just short of being a masterpiece, wherein...
Laura Riding, Experts Are Puzzled, ed. by George Fragopoulos, 2018. [1930.]A nearly impossible text to categorize—is it a collection of short stories, prose poems, manifestos or something else...
View ArticleJennifer Natalya Fink - an imaginative, erotic rethinking of Bhopal’s...
Jennifer Natalya Fink, Bhopal Dance, Fiction Collective 2, 2018. Dance is an imaginative, erotic rethinking of Bhopal’s disaster—and our own. On the night of...
View ArticleJeff McMahon's performances sear us in a fever dream of poetics, politics and...
Jeff McMahon, Six Monologues 1990 – 2007, NoPassport Press, it at Google BooksSIX MONOLOGUES 1990-2007 by Jeff McMahon collects six of McMahon's works that span across socio-political, queer...
View ArticleIshmael Houston-Jones - He is a choreographer, author, performer, teacher,...
Ishmael Houston-Jones, FAT and other stories: some writing about sex, Yonkers International Press, 2018.“I’ve been telling some of you for decades to trust me that Ishmael...
View ArticleMark Samuels - Cryptic and potent languages, bizarre cults, mysteries that...
Mark Samuels, Prophecies and Dooms, Ulymas Press, 2018. collection of essays on authors of classic weird fiction.A contemporary author, Mark Samuels writes about the...
View ArticleSteve Anwyll - In wakeful, rhythmic prose, Anwyll writes a mirror for our...
Steve Anwyll, Welfare, Tyrant Books, 2019.excerptWelfare is wholly made up of four-line paragraphs and has a cadence that is uniquely its own. A high school student leaves his parents’ home to live on...
View ArticleBrad Phillips - 'Essays and Fictions' navigates the never-ending work of...
Brad Phillips, Essays and Fictions, Tyrant Books, 2019.excerptBrad Phillips' collection of short stories adeptly walks a very thin line between taboo and propriety, with rigorous self-awareness and...
View ArticleAlex Cecchetti - the post-mortem investigation of the victim into his own...
Alex Cecchetti, Tamam Shud, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw + Sternberg Press,...
View ArticleJenny Hval - At its simplest, this debut novel by the Oslo-based musician...
Jenny Hval, Paradise Rot, Trans. by Marjam Idriss, Verso Books, 2018.excerptA lyrical debut novel from a musician and artist renowned for her sharp sexual and political imageryJo is in a strange new...
View ArticleJames Krendel-Clark - This essay takes the point of view that the ruinance...
James Krendel-Clark, The Future of the God-Hallucination: Reflections on the Nietzschean Lifestyle-Brand, Voidfront Press, 2018. This essay (in the authentic sense of the word, an...
View ArticleAll That Is Evident Is Suspect: Readings from the Oulipo 1963-2018 - the...
All That Is Evident Is Suspect: Readings from the Oulipo 1963-2018, Ed. by Ian Monk & Daniel Levin Becker, McSweeney's, 2018.Since its inception in Paris in 1960, the OuLiPo―ouvroir de littérature...
View ArticleRoss Goodwin - first novel written by a car. Rooted in the traditions of...
Ross Goodwin, 1 the Road, Jean Boite, 2018. the Road is a book written using a car as a pen.Ross Goodwin is not a poet. As a prominent Artificial Intelligence creator, he...
View ArticleDamien Rudd & Cécile Coulon - Everyone’s favourite and ironically depressing...
Damien Rudd & Cécile Coulon, Triste Tropique, Topographies of Sadness, Jean Boîte, 2018.Triste Tropique, Topographies of Sadness is the first atlas that matches our darkest feelings. Started on the...
View ArticleValerio Olgiati - landscape living. Our home is far away from the next town....
Valerio Olgiati, Villa Além, Name Books, 2015.For many years, my wife Tamara and I had been searching for a place for which we could leave our current home in the Swiss mountains on social, cultural...
View ArticleRemedios Varo - an engagement with mysticism and magic, a breakdown of the...
Remedios Varo, Letters, Dreams & Other Writings, Trans. byMargaret Carson, Wakefield Press, 2018.excerptexcerpt 2excerpt 3While the reputation of Remedios Varo (1908-63) the surrealist painter is...
View ArticlePORNOTERRORISM - Essays and interventions by seventeen international artists...
PORNOTERRORISM / De-Aestheticising Power, ed. by Louis Armand & Jaromir Lelek, Litteraria Pragnesia, 2015.downloadEssays and interventions by seventeen international artists & theorists, on...
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