Jean Paulhan - His language is painstakingly precise, with the narrators...
Jean Paulhan, Progress in Love on the Slow Side, Trans. by Christine Moneera Laennec and Michael Syrotinski, University of Nebraska Press, it at Google BooksJean Paulhan (1884–1968) is...
View ArticleMelpomene - perhaps the first novel that was purportedly written by a computer.
Melpomene, Bagabone, Hem ‘I Die Now, Vantage Press, 1980.“Bagabone, Hem ‘I Die Now (1980) is perhaps the first novel that was purportedly written by a computer.The back flap of the dust jacket states...
View ArticleSandra Huber - What happens when the line of an EEG recording of brain waves...
Sandra Huber, Assembling the Morrow: A Poetics of Sleep, Talonbooks, 2015. Even though we spend a third of our lives asleep, the behaviour remains largely a mystery. Sandra Huber’s...
View ArticleRoque Larraquy - Comemadre creates a full circle of the grotesqueries humans...
Roque Larraquy, Comemadre, Trans. by Heather Cleary, Coffee House Press, 2018.In the outskirts of Buenos Aires in 1907, a doctor becomes involved in a misguided experiment that investigates the...
View ArticleRodrigo Lira - mocks the literary establishment, depicts life under...
Rodrigo Lira, Testimony of Circumstances, Trans. by Thomas Rothe and Rodrigo Olavarría, Cardboard House Press, 2018. excerpt (Asymptote)“4 Three Hundred and Sixty Fives and One 366 Elevens” by Rodrigo...
View ArticleEugenio F. Granell - a picaresque, Cervantes-influenced allegory of the...
E. F. Granell, The Novel of the Tupinamba Indian, Trans. by David Coulter, City Lights Publishers, 2018.excerptPicaresque novel of the Spanish Civil War written by one of the most important post-WWII...
View ArticleArmonía Somers - A groundbreaking feminist classic from 1950s Uruguay, The...
Armonía Somers, The Naked Woman, Trans. by Kit Maude, The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2018.A groundbreaking feminist classic from 1950s Uruguay, The Naked Woman was met with scandal and outrage due to its...
View ArticleMarina Van Zuylen - This short book takes a second look at distraction,...
Marina Van Zuylen, The Plenitude of Distraction, Sequence Press, 2018.A second look at distraction, extracting untold pleasures from its alleged dangers, defending and celebrating the unfocused life...
View ArticleGenealogies of Speculation - the chapters in this book debate the growing...
Genealogies of Speculation: Materialism and Subjectivity since Structuralism, Suhail Malik and Armen Avanessian, eds., Bloomsbury Academic, it at Google BooksGenealogies of Speculation looks...
View ArticleAlexis Pauline Gumbs - M Archive is told from the perspective of a future...
Alexis Pauline Gumbs,M Archive: After the End of the World, Duke University Press Books, 2018.Following the innovative collection Spill, Alexis Pauline Gumbs's M Archive—the second book in a planned...
View ArticleMarcelo Cohen - a novella that hovers between fantasy and realism; ‘fantastic...
Marcelo Cohen, Melodrome : A Story from the Panoramic Delta, Trans. by Chris Andrews, Giramondo Publishing, it at Google BooksLerena Dost is a dominant and successful woman until she and her...
View ArticleHector Meinhof has written a book that is both beautiful and cruel. His...
Hector Meinhof, Three Nails, Four Wounds, Infinity Land Press, 2018..txtNew {word-wrap:break-word;text-align:start;} .txtNew_override-left * {text-align:left !important;} .txtNew_override-right *...
View ArticleMarream Krollos plays with the tension between the voice of the lonely “I”...
Marream Krollos, Big City, FC2, 2018. excerptA Date In the CityMarream Krollos’s Big City is astructurally innovative work of prose composed of vignettes, verse, dialogues, monologues, and...
View ArticleAnna Maria Hong re-imagines and extends the tale of Hansel and Gretel,...
Anna Maria Hong, H & G, Sidebrow Books, 2018.excerptexcerpt 2excerpt 3In this hybrid novella of trauma and survival, Anna Maria Hong re-imagines and extends the tale of Hansel and Gretel, breaking...
View ArticleGamal al-Ghitani - The lamps are a sign of the end of time. They are...
Gamal al-Ghitani, Zayni Barakat, Trans. by Farouk Abdel Wahab, The American University in Cairo Press, 2010.“In the course of my long travels I have never seen a city so devastated. After a long time...
View ArticleMiguel Ángel Bustos - language is both a tool of subjugation and a device to...
Miguel Ángel Bustos, Vision of the Children of Evil, Trans. by Lucina Schell, co-im-press, 2018. Simultaneously prophetic and blasphemous, Vision of the Children of Evil by Miguel Ángel...
View ArticleJosé de Piérola - Flowers that grow from light bulbs. Bullets stopped by an...
José de Piérola,Fabulations, Kernpunkt Press, 2018. thousands of years, Fabulations is composed of minimalist short stories that straddle history...
View ArticleLeopoldo Panero - Not since Lautreamont has the Hispanic world delivered such...
Leopoldo María Panero, Like an Eye in the Hand of a Beggar,Bilingual Edition,Trans. by Arturo Mantecón. Intro. by Túa Blesa, Editions Michel Eyquem, 2013."I am in awe of Leopoldo María Panero. Not...
View ArticleBlume Lempel is a fearless storyteller whose imagination skilfully moves...
Blume Lempel, Oedipus in Brooklyn and Other Stories, Trans. by Ellen Cassedy and Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, Mandel Vilar Press and Dryad Press, 2016. Several stories can be read on-line: "The Little Red...
View ArticleJavier Moreno - A whole book of poems or an entire novel could be written out...
Javier Moreno, Alma, Trans. by Peter Kahn, Quantum Prose, 2018.This is not a book. As the title suggests, this is a soul: an Alma. But a soul, make no mistake about it, is not something from another...
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