Irene Handl - The title refers to the name the Benoirs apply to their own...
Irene Handl, The Sioux, Knopf, 1965.French, feudal, fabulously rich and fiercely tribal, the Benoirs call themselves The Sioux. The latest addition to the tribe is Vincent Castleton, a genial,...
View ArticleNicholas John Turner - a novel unlike any other. With keen intelligence,...
Nicholas John Turner, Hang Him When He Is Not There, Savage Motif, 2016.excerptThe debut collection of fiction by Nicholas John Turner describes a world on the fringes of great art; editors, audiences,...
View ArticleChris McCabe playfully reclaims the inventive spirit of the founding text of...
Chris McCabe, Dedalus, Henningham Family Press, 2018. McCabe playfully reclaims the inventive spirit of the founding text of Modernism; Ulysses. Tracing the same...
View ArticleIdeas Have No Smell: Three Belgian Surrealist Booklets - The Belgian...
IdeasHave No Smell: Three Belgian Surrealist Booklets, Paul Nougé, Paul Colinet, Louis Scutenaire, edited, translated, and facsimilized by M. Kasper, Ugly Duckling Presse, 2018. The Belgian surrealist...
View ArticleNicolas Ancion - improbable tale of an intransigent character, heroic in his...
Nicolas Ancion, The Man Who Refused to Die, Dis Voir, 2010.Is death necessarily inevitable? The Man Who Refused to Die is the improbable tale of an intransigent character, heroic in his defiance, who...
View ArticleBen Lerner & Alexander Kluge - A line from Lerner’s poem “The sky stops...
Ben Lerner and Alexander Kluge, The Snows of Venice, Spector Books, 2018.Lerner: excerpt (Bomb Magazine)Kluge: Sinking Ships and Sea DramasAmerican author Ben Lerner and German filmmaker and writer...
View ArticleJohnny Pulp - “Like a Lacanian Tolkien horror shot by Peter Jackson!” Johnny...
Johnny Pulp, Palomare Bomb Grrls, Neo-Attack Books, 2019.Download Palomares Bomb Grrls by Johhny Pulp (2018) (full PDF)excerpt“They were marching like fugitives around the city. They were hiding yet...
View ArticleDarcie Wilder - It’s a novel, but it’s a new kind of novel, possibly a new...
Darcie Wilder, literally show me a healthy person, Tyrant Books, 2017.Read excerpts on Tyrant Books, MTV, and Playboy. Wilder's literally show me a healthy person...
View ArticleNadia de Vries - captures the plight of poets writing in the digital age....
Nadia de Vries, Dark Hour, Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2018. Hour collects forty-five epigrammatical, elusive poems; while often pointed, pithy and direct, the voice speaks from a...
View ArticleJames Champagne - Scream from the Abyss of non-existence, a descent into Hell...
James Champagne, Harlem Smoke, Snuggly Books, 2019.A gay, black antinatalist, Isaac Grimalkin isn't your typical H.P. Lovecraft fan. Back in 1996 Isaac was the sole member of the Dunwich Posse, an...
View ArticleOtokar Březina - Approaching the irrational passions of life with a manic...
Otokar Březina, Hidden History, Trans. by Carleton Bulkin, Twisted Spoon Press, 1998.[ excerpt ]AfterwordOtokar Brezina (1868-1929) was the most prominent Czech poet of his day. HIDDEN HISTORY,...
View ArticleJosiah Morgan explores the intersection of reality, memory, identity and...
Josiah Morgan, Inside the Castle, Amphetamine Sulphate, 2018.‘“This is a burned book. Adam’s stuck between its teeth. I’ll take a sick day and still run away. Fuck this, my sinuses are thrown overboard...
View ArticlePeter Stenson - A book that manages to break your heart, make you dizzy, and...
Peter Stenson, Thirty-Seven: A Novel, Dzanc Books, 2019.The Survivors, their members known only by the order in which they joined, live alone in a rural Colorado mansion. They believe that sickness...
View ArticleMorris Collins - A hybrid narrative that's part thriller, part surreal noir,...
Morris Collins, Horse Latitudes, Dzanc Books, 2013./2019.“When your life vanishes, how do you do anything but follow it?”Haunted by guilt and reeling from his shattered...
View ArticleKatie Paterson - a book which contains a series of artworks to exist in the...
Katie Paterson, A place that exists only in moonlight, Kerber Verlag, 2019."A place that exists only in moonlight" is a book which contains a series of artworks to exist in the...
View ArticleAndrea Abi-Karam - an arab-american genderqueer punk poet-performer cyborg,...
Andrea Abi-Karam, EXTRATRANSMISSION, Kelsey Street Press, 2019. excerptEXTRATRANSMISSION by Andrea Abi-Karam was selected by judge Bhanu Kapil as Winner of the 2017 Kelsey Street Press FIRSTS! Contest....
View ArticleCaradoc Evans - One hundred years ago, a slim collection of short stories...
Caradoc Evans, My People: Stories of the Peasantry of West Wales, 1915.downloadWhen he delivered the Neil Gunn lecture in Edinburgh last year, Mario Vargas Llosa spoke of the origins of the Latin...
View ArticleAugust Gailit - Nipernaadi walks into people's lives (a girl's, a whole...
August Gailit, Toomas Nipernaadi, Trans. by Eva Finch, Jason Finch,Dedalus Books, 2018. [1928.]excerptToomas Nipernaadi is the eternal wanderer. Each spring he travels into the countryside, drifting...
View ArticleMichael Lentz - perhaps the greatest German-language novel of the 21st...
Michael Lentz, Schattenfroh: Ein Requiem, S. FISCHER, 2018. What was it like to be THERE in 1851, when Moby-Dick was published? Or in 1913, when Swann’s Way came out? Or in 1922, when...
View ArticleMultatuli - a tale of the jungles and villages of Indonesia is interknit with...
Multatuli, Max Havelaar Or, the Coffee Auctions of The Dutch Trading Company, Trans. by Roy Edwards,Penguin Classics, 1987. / Trans. by Ina Rilke and David McKay, NYRB Classics, 2019. [1860.]read it at...
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