Jordaan Mason - There's been a fire at the Power Company Building. A vomit of...
Jordaan Mason, The Skin Team, Magic Helicopter Press, 2013.But the horses are too sick to bet on and a map is not the territory. Three skins convulse, three bodies converge. A sickness is shared...
View ArticleMike Kitchell - a book that should be filed in stores under “Architecture /...
M Kitchell,Slow Slidings, Blue Square Press, 2012.“Kitchell is a channel for the erotic possibilities of place.” – Edward Mullany “Take the most disconcerting moments of all the weirdest movies you...
View ArticleJames Pate - The human sand pink and the pig wall burnt. The beach light...
James Pate, The Fassbinder Diaries, Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2013.The gauze of James Pate’s nightmare, critical & cinematic beauty keeps rising & falling on a “crimson couch,” “a scarlet...
View ArticleAnthony Marra - Sonja is deep into her career amputating mine-shattered...
Anthony Marra, A Constellation of Vital Phenomena, Random House, 2013.excerptTwo doctors risk everything to save the life of a hunted child in this majestic debut about love, loss, and the unexpected...
View ArticleC. F. [Christopher Forgues] - a series of more than a dozen mini-comics. Each...
C.F., MERE, PictureBox Inc., 2013.In 2012 C.F. began to produce a series of more than a dozen mini-comics, which he distributed via Twitter. Each mini-comic offered a take on, and expansion upon, a...
View ArticleRainer J. Hanshe - a visionary novel of dangerous ideas, a theological...
Rainer J. Hanshe, The Abdication, Contra Mundum Press, 2012.oulet arrives by helicopter in Rome, where his carnivalesque troupe awaits with a legion of animals and unruly kids. When provoking states...
View ArticleUche Nduka - it is only in the oblique gaze and the excessive and errant...
Uche Nduka, Ijele, Overpass Books, 2013.A similar trickster aesthetics is at the heart of Nduka poetics. A Nigerian writer, working out of Germany and America, Nduka, like Göransson, has the unbordered...
View ArticleRELIQUIÆ #1 (2013)
Reliquiæ #1, Corbel Stone Press, 2013Reliquiæ is an annual journal of poetry, short fiction, non-fiction, translations and visual art, edited by Autumn Richardson & Richard Skelton. Each issue...
View ArticleGengoroh Tagame - Master of Gay Erotic Manga: Violent, visceral and provocative
The Passion of Gengoroh Tagame by Gengoroh Tagame, ed. Anne Ishii, Chip Kidd & Graham Kobleins. PictureBox Inc, to say the least,...
View ArticleStephen Beachy is a complete visionary, a sorceror, a secret weapon. First...
Stephen Beachy, boneyard, Verse Chorus Press, 2011. read it at Google the book trailer here!In this unusual “collaborative novel,” Jake Yoder, a...
View ArticleClaire Donato follows grief logic into a space of defamiliarization, speaking...
Claire Donato, Burial, Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2013.excerpt (pdf) in the mind of a narrator who is grieving the loss of her father, who conflates her...
View ArticleCassandra Troyan - Her narratives form a feedback loop with the sound a human...
Cassandra Troyan, Throne of Blood, Solar Luxuriance, 2013.READ EXCERPTS ONLINE:THE CASTLE THAT ONLY GOD KNOWS / IMMA SELL MY GUNS AND THEN TAKE YOU TO VEGASASSASSINS OF GOD / (stick your finger through...
View ArticleShira Dentz narrates a fairy-tale-like story, “perhaps / a fairy tale,” of a...
Shira Dentz, door of thin skins, CananKerry Press, of thin skins, a hybrid collection of poetry and prose, deconstructs the nature of psychological power through the...
View ArticleAndrew Morgan - a world of violence, loss, and need. Much akin to the...
Andrew Morgan, Month of Big Hands. Natural History Press, 2013.In Month of Big Hands, Andrew Morgan creates a stunningly beautiful world of violence, loss, and need. This book is a masterfully written...
View ArticleAnthony Madrid - Allusive, oracular, heretical, brash, learned, apocalyptic,...
Anthony Madrid, I Am Your Slave Now Do What I Say, Canarium Books, 2012.Poetry. Allusive, oracular, heretical, brash, learned, apocalyptic, astronomical, funny, lustful, and deceptively wise, Anthony...
View ArticlePrincess Sappho [Léon Genonceaux] - the most outrageous "decadent novel" ever...
Princess Sappho (Léon Genonceaux), The Tutu, morality of the fin-de-siècle, Atlas Press, 2013. [1891.] A great "lost novel". Published in 1891, it was never released to bookshops, since its author...
View ArticleGeorge Melly - a memoir of the Surrealist poet, collagist and art-dealer ELT...
George Melly, Don't Tell Sybil: An Intimate Memoir of ELT Mesens, Heinemann, 1997.In this memoir, the author remembers the times he spent in the company of E.L.T. Mesens and his wife Sybil. The text is...
View ArticleGabby Bess - a virtual rolodex of self-inquisition shaped by boredom, horror,...
Gabby Bess, Alone with Other People, Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2013.“What Gabby Bess captures with her words is the beauty of a fragile time and place. In this collection, she evokes what it means to be...
View ArticlePanaït Istrati - a born poet madly in love with simple things like adventure,...
Panaït Istrati,Kyra Kyralina, Trans. by Christopher Sawyer-Lauçanno. Talisman House, 2010.Kyra Kyralina, upon publication early in the nineteen twenties, immediately established its author as a leading...
View ArticleMiklós Bánffy - a stunning historical epic set in the lost world of the...
Miklós Bánffy, The Transylvanian Trilogy, Volume I: They Were Counted, Everyman's Library, 2013. The celebrated TRANSYLVANIAN TRILOGY by Count Miklós Bánffy is a stunning historical epic set in the...
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