Harmony Korine captures the fragmented moments of a life observed through the...
Harmony Korine, Crackup at the Race Riots, 2013. [1998.]www.harmony-korine.com/Originally published by Mainstreet/Doubleday in 1998, this debut novel from an underground filmmaker uses print,...
View ArticleKen Baumann - Think of how it feels to watch an engrossing film; now imagine...
Ken Baumann, Solip, Tyrant Books, 2013.kenbaumann.com/kenbaumann.tumblr.com/But the lack of everything, is forming quite a blank. And the testament I give can't hold such a rupture: The unholy blank, a...
View ArticleJosé Ángel Valente is renowned as a platonist of the word who seeks to strip...
José Ángel Valente,Landscape with Yellow Birds, Trans. by Tom Christensen. Archipelago Books, 2012.Widely considered to be Spain’s greatest postwar poet, Valente is renowned as a platonist of the word...
View ArticleDietmar Dath joins the tradition of Voltaire and Verne, of Th. Morus and M....
Dietmar Dath, The Abolition of Species, Trans. by Samuel P. Willcocks, Seagull Books, 2013. The world as we know it is over. Man’s reign on earth has come to an end, and the reign of the animals has...
View ArticleRachel Shihor - ordinary moments in a child’s life whose significance comes...
Rachel Shihor,Days Bygone, Trans. by Ornan Rotem, Sylph Editions, 2012. Four excerpts from Rachel Shihor’s novella Yankinton have been selected, and translated from the Hebrew for this cahier. These...
View ArticleThomas Bey William Bailey - Starting with the guerrilla media tactics of...
Thomas Bey William Bailey, Micro-bionic: Radical Electronic Music and Sound Art in the 21st Century, Creation Books, 2009.www.tbwb.net/mb_book.html Micro Bionic is an exciting survey of...
View ArticleHanns Zischler - When the cinema came to Prague a young writer found scenes...
Hanns Zischler, Kafka Goes to the Movies, Trans. by Susan H. Gillespie, University Of Chicago Press, 2002.excerpt at Google Books"Went to the movies. Wept. Matchless entertainment." So wrote Franz...
View ArticleDrew Johnson - seven stories, seven encounters, seven long trips on buses...
Drew Johnson, 7 Greyhounds, The Cupboard, 2013.walkswithmoose.com/Continuing The Cupboard’s tradition of publishing public-transit lit is Drew Johnson’s new collection. It’s seven stories, seven...
View ArticleSarah Fox - The First Flag is a mystic alimentary, blood, bone, and pearl...
Sarah Fox, The First Flag, Coffee House Press, 2013.blog“The First Flag is a mystic alimentary, blood, bone, and pearl poetics—utterly engaging in its seductive conversational tone. But it’s an odd...
View ArticleTypo magazine 18 - Venezuelan Poetry: 1921-2001
Typo magazine 18www.typomag.com/issue18/intro.htmlGUILLERMO PARRAPORTABLE COUNTRY: VENEZUELAN POETRY: 1921 - 2001 The first Venezuelan-American artist I ever noticed was Devendra Banhart. His acoustic...
View ArticleHanne Lippard - an impressive and equally idiosyncratic practice based at the...
Hanne Lippard, Nuances of No, Broken Dimanche Press, 2013. It is with great pleasure for BDP to announce the publication of Hanne Lippard’s Nuances of No, the first comprehensive collection of the...
View ArticleAgnieszka Kuciak - a faux anthology of 21 invented poets, with their poems...
Agnieszka Kuciak,Distant Lands: An Anthology of Poets Who Don't Exist, Trans. byKaren Kovacik, White Pine Press, 2013.Distant Lands is a tour de force, this faux anthology of 21 invented poets, with...
View ArticleBrenda Coultas unearths the eccentricities and tragedies that congregate...
Brenda Coultas, The Marvelous Bones of Time: Excavations and Explanations, Coffe House Press, 2007.Incorporating memoir, folktales, fact, and hearsay into two distinctly moving poems, this collection...
View ArticleHernán Rivera Letelier - From the lovingly, baroquely detailed descriptions...
Hernán Rivera Letelier, The Art of Resurrection (Alfaguara, 2010)“The small stone plaza was floating in the midday heat. The Christ of Elqui, kneeling on the ground, his gaze thrown back on high, the...
View ArticleEduardo Halfon plays games with the reader, poses big questions about the...
Eduardo Halfon, Polish Boxer, Trans. by Daniel Hahn, Pushkin Press, 2012.The Polish Boxer covers a vast landscape of human experience while enfolding a search for origins: a grandson tries to make...
View ArticleJack Zipes aims to fathom why and how fairy tales evolved and why we are...
Jack Zipes, The Irresistible Fairy Tale: The Cultural and Social History of a Genre. Princeton University Press, 2012.excerptIf there is one genre that has captured the imagination of people in all...
View ArticleJackson Mac Low - The poems feel completely strange and alien, but at the...
Jackson Mac Low, 154 Forties, edited by Anne Tardos, Counterpath Press, 2012.The first publication of the complete series of Jackson Mac Low’s “Forties” poems. Written and revised from 1990 to 2001...
View ArticleVeronica Gonzalez-Peña - one thought/sentence is able to hold another, right...
Veronica Gonzalez-Peña, The Sad Passions, Semiotext(e), 2013.Told by six women in one family, Veronica Gonzalez Pena’s The Sad Passions captures the alertness, beauty, and terror of childhood lived in...
View ArticleVeronica Gonzalez-Peña - one thought/sentence is able to hold another, right...
Veronica Gonzalez-Peña, The Sad Passions, Semiotext(e), 2013.Told by six women in one family, Veronica Gonzalez Pena’s The Sad Passions captures the alertness, beauty, and terror of childhood lived in...
View ArticleRob Walsh - In his world, ‘heartless betrayal is both the engine of modern...
Rob Walsh, Troublers, Caketrain, 2013.excerptrob-walsh.com/“Very seldom anymore do I come across a book that makes me feel like everything—anything—is possible. Troublers does. Walsh’s tautly elegant...
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