Rémy de Gourmont - The Book Of Masks: one of the most important overviews of...
Rémy de Gourmont, The Book of Masks: An Anthology of French Symbolist & Decadent Writing,Trans. by Andrew Mangravite, Iain White, Stanley Chapman, Terry Hale, John Harman, & others. Edited by...
View ArticleKonstantin Biebl - Very much in the vein of Poetism, it presents the mindset...
Konstantin Biebl, The Plancius, Trans. by Jed Slast, Twisted Spoon Press, 2012. [1931.]read it at www.scribd.com/doc/97195996/The-PlanciusKonstantin Biebl (1898-1951) was a member of Devětsil and...
View ArticleLouis Lüthi - an attempt to create a taxonomy for how non-textual pages...
Louis Lüthi, On the Self-Reflexive Page, Roma Publications, 2010.The subject of this book is the page, and the pages reproduced in it are taken from works of literature (or, in some cases, art books...
View ArticleThe Decadent Reader: Fiction, Fantasy, and Perversion from Fin-de-Siècle France
The Decadent Reader: Fiction, Fantasy, and Perversion from Fin-de-Siècle France,Ed. by Asti Hustvedt, Zone Books, 2013.In fin-de-siècle France, progress and material prosperity coincided with...
View ArticleMok Hossfeld - A page of Mok before breakfast can give you the strength of a...
Mok Hossfeld, Doña Juana, Gelded Lizard Press, 1995."The most authentic chicken toes since Robert Walser or Charles Willeford... A page of Mok before breakfast can give you the strength of a hundred...
View ArticleBlaster Al Ackerman (19xx – 2013) is a hallmark of the obscure, but those who...
“Blaster” Al Ackerman died on Sunday. He was a general in Baltimore’s literary avant garde—though it occurs to me that assigning him a rank is way too straightforward for Blaster’s interstellar...
View ArticleIvan Blatny - terms like exile literature, subversion, appropriation,...
Ivan Blatny, The Drug of Art: Selected Poems, Trans. by Matthew Sweney, Justin Quinn, and Alex Zucker, Ugly Duckling Presse, 2007. Lost to the world for decades, Ivan Blatný was, according to the...
View ArticleGiorgio Vasta - A political parable that operates on various levels, from...
Giorgio Vasta, Time on My Hands, Trans. by Jonathan Hunt, Faber & Faber, 2013.Palermo, Sicily, 1978. The Christian Democrat leader Aldo Moro has just been kidnapped in Rome by members of the...
View ArticlePoems for the Millennium, Volume Four: Pierre Joris and Habib Tengour present...
Poems for the Millennium, Volume Four: The University of California Book of North African Literature. Edited by Pierre Joris and Habib Tengour. University of California Press, 2013.read it at Google...
View ArticleBennett Sims - The architecture of zombie-logic is rewired, and the undead...
Bennett Sims, A Questionable Shape, Two Dollar Radio, May 2013.“Bennett Sims is a writer fearsomely equipped with an intellectual and linguistic range to rival a young Nabokov’s, Nicholson Baker’s gift...
View ArticlePenny Arcade's brand of high camp and street-smart, punk-rock cabaret...
Penny Arcade, Bad Reputation: Performances, Essays, Interviews, Semiotext(e), 2009.www.pennyarcade.tv/A runaway at thirteen, a reform-school graduate at sixteen, a performer in the legendary New York...
View ArticleChelsey Minnis - A fearless and uproarious litany of contentions and...
Chelsey Minnis, Poemland, Wave Books, 2009. This is when you think you are earning a freedom from self-disgust through busy-work...The poem lies on the floor until you step on it and it sticks to your...
View ArticleMaría Negroni's novel-in-verse presents a journey to a terrible yet somehow...
Maria Negroni, Mouth of Hell, Trans. by Michelle Gil-Montero, Action Books, 2013.The forest dark as ever, without latitudes. An aide-de-camp to say something about nothing and guide us up the river of...
View ArticleReconsidering the Postmodern: European Literature beyond Relativism - twelve...
Reconsidering the Postmodern: European Literature beyond Relativism, Thomas Vaessens and Yra van Dijk, eds., Amsterdam University Press, 2012. Reconsidering the Postmodern takes the reader on a...
View ArticleCarl Michael Edenborg - Sexuality in the realm of parapornography is not a...
Carl Michael Edenborg, Manifesto of Parapornography, Action Books, 2013."Edenborg's manifesto shines brightly within a constellation that includes Bosch's garden, Spinoza's philosophy of immanence,...
View ArticleElaine Kahn - she can’t not stare at the reality of reality as a set of...
Elaine Kahn, A Voluptuous Dream During an Eclipse, Poor Claudia, 2012.www.tumblr.com/tagged/elaine%20kahnQuite simply, I love Elaine Kahn's poetry. I especially love to hear her read it. But when I...
View ArticleLaTasha N. Nevada Diggs - a dope jam of dictions; a remixed, multicultural,...
LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs, TWeRK, Belladona, 2013.latashadiggs.tumblr.com/TWERK unveils an identity shaped by popular media and history, code switching and cultural inclusivity. The poems, songs, and...
View ArticleHugh Behm-Steinberg - A child (“beautiful[ly] unbearable body”) emerges from...
Hugh Behm-Steinberg, The Opposite of Work, Illustr. by Mary Behm-Steinberg. Jackleg Press, 2013.Hugh Steinberg's intimate, honest poems, labor toward a personal mythology where the return to Eden is a...
View ArticleNick Sturm - running and reveling like a goddamn stampede of joy: All this is...
Nick Sturm, I Feel YES, Forklift, 2013.isaidokwow.tumblr.com/It’s a chapbook. It’s one long poem. It’s freaking awesome. It’s in a baggie because the lettering is made out of lemonade. It’s made out of...
View ArticleLaTasha N. Nevada Diggs - a dope jam of dictions; a remixed, multicultural,...
LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs, TWeRK, Belladona, 2013.latashadiggs.tumblr.com/TWERK unveils an identity shaped by popular media and history, code switching and cultural inclusivity. The poems, songs, and...
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