Joseph Noble has somehow tinkered a radio out of words, and tuned it to...
Joseph Noble, Antiphonal Airs, Skylight Press, 2013Read it at Google BooksAntiphonal Airs is a mixilating series of poems from poet-musician Joseph Noble. Some are improvisational riffs on specific...
View ArticleRebecca Loudon - These are fever-dream poems, poems in which fire and...
Rebecca Loudon, Cadaver Dogs, No Tell Books, 2008.Rebecca wrote, "The poems from Cadaver Dogs explore the human wanting to be animal, the animal wanting to be human, and what happens when the change...
View ArticleWarren Craghead - Comics poems. He uses a completely original approach to...
Warren Craghead, HOW TO BE EVERYWHERE, Domino Books, me, this is one of the most important comic books of the last decade. Conceived as a...
View ArticleGert Loschütz - Over ten rainy nights Thomas remembers ten different stations...
Gert Loschütz, Dark Company, Trans. by Samuel P. Willcocks, Seagull Books, 2013.Thomas, a bargeman, takes leave of the rivers, to which he has always stayed close, and withdraws to the North German...
View ArticleAlex Kovacs - Maximilian is a counterfeiter, sculptor, filmmaker, sound...
Alex Kovacs, The Currency of Paper, Dalkey Archive Press, 2013.Excerpt in The White ReviewMaximilian Sacheverell Hollingsworth is a counterfeiter, sculptor, filmmaker, sound artist, mystic, and...
View ArticleHerbert Rosendorfer - 600 nuns, dildo-brandishing dwarves, conmen, cannibals,...
Herbert Rosendorfer, The Architect of Ruins, Dedalus, Trans. by Mike Mitchell, Dedalus, 2011.The Architect of Ruins is considered one of the masterpieces of 20th century German fiction. An archetypal...
View ArticleEugen Egner - An anarchic, surreal and zany novel which reads like Kafka...
Eugen Egner, Androids from Milk, Trans. by Mike Mitchell, Dedalus, 2001.A surreal, time-bending odyssey. A freak show owner sends Reuben Hecht-who has been stuck at age 17 for twenty years - and...
View ArticleGabriel Blackwell - Part sophisticated pastiche: a hardboiled egg painted a...
Gabriel Blackwell, The Natural Dissolution of Fleeting-Improvised Men, Civil Coping Mechanisms,“It’s difficult to know if Blackwell is a sharp editor, a stone-faced...
View ArticleMário de Sá-Carneiro - His short stories depict madness, death, erotic...
Mário de Sá-Carneiro, The Great Shadow (and other stories), Trans. by Margaret Jull Costa, Dedalus, 1996."Sa-Carneiro was only 26 when he committed suicide in Paris in 1916. His short stories depict...
View ArticleKim Rosenfield - Using words and phrases culled from linguistics textbooks...
Kim Rosenfield, Lividity, Les Figues Press, 2012.excerptIn Lividity, poet Kim Rosenfield works within the outskirts of language, draining it of connotation and excess. Using words and phrases culled...
View ArticleDouglas Watson’s debut story collection is chock-a-block with deaths, births,...
Douglas Watson, The Era of Not Quite, BOA Editions, Watson's debut story collection is chock-a-block with deaths, births, sea and land voyages, excursions to the...
View ArticleDebbie Hu - Well if everybody is everybody then maybe baby can be a nipple...
Debbie Hu, AIRY BABY: AN EQUAL TO THE ATE NIPPLE?//I worry/I don’t/Believe in Books/or do owly///. Perfect Lovers Press, Hu wants you to think about baby, but all...
View ArticleJerimee Bloemeke - Pyschotropic lyric poems: Stars are tonight, it is legal...
Jerimee Bloemeke, Cosmic Latte, Floating Wolf Quarterly, 2013. Latte is both the average color of the universe and the title of Jerimee Bloemeke's...
View ArticleIosi Havilio - The novel itself mirrors a dream sequence: neither its...
Iosi Havilio, Open Door,Trans. by Beth Fowler, And Other Stories, 2011.When her partner disappears, a young woman drifts towards Open Door, a small town in the Argentinean Pampas named after its...
View ArticleSimon Morgan Wortham argues that sleep itself might constitute a limit for...
Simon Morgan Wortham, The Poetics of Sleep: From Aristotle to Nancy, Bloomsbury, 2013. To what extent does sleep constitute a limit for the philosophical imagination? Why does it recur throughout...
View ArticleMatt Pine - a thoroughly Chicago tale concerning what survives and what fades...
Matt Pine, City Water Light & Power, Cairn Press, Pine's City Water Light & Power follows the entwined stories of Jake and Michelle as they negotiate a changing external...
View ArticleLauren Shufran - Riffing on military chants, propulsive rhythms whereby...
Lauren Shufran, Inter Arma, Fence Books, it This debut collection takes its title from a maxim of Cicero’s that, translated loosely as “In times of war the law falls silent,” has been...
View ArticleAmina Cain brings together short fictions set in the space between action and...
Amina Cain, Creature, Dorothy, a publishing project, Cain's Creature brings together short fictions set in the space between action and reflection, edging at times toward the...
View ArticleAlfonso D'Aquino - a book of shifting subjectivity and liquid perspective, of...
Alfonso D'Aquino, fungus skull eye wing: Selected Poems of Alfonso D'Aquino, Trans. by Forrest Gander, Copper Canyon Press 2013."Alfonso D'Aquino was raised by his grandmother in an old house attached...
View ArticleSamuel Madden - the earliest known conception of time-travel. Story about an...
Samuel Madden, Liam Gillick, Memoirs of the Twentieth Century; Prevision, Should the Future Help the Past? (1733/1999/2010)Read it at Google BooksWritten in 1733, Memoirs of the Twentieth Century is...
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