Sara Tuss Efrik - a hellish three-part fairy tale of wombs and charred rooms...
Sara Tuss Efrik, The Night's Belly, a triptych, Trans. by Paul Cunningham, Toad Press, 2016.1.In my last post about translation and Ali Taheri Araghi’s anthology of contemporary, underground poetry...
View ArticleSam Coll - a thoroughly Irish take on the big parodic postmodern novel in the...
Sam Coll, The Abode of Fancy, The Lilliput Press, 2016.extractinterviewinterview 2'We Irish are a shallow people, albeit perversely fair perhaps, as cruel to others as to ourselves, treasuring the...
View ArticleMário de Andrade - a landmark precursor of Latin American magical realism....
Mário de Andrade, Macunaíma, Trans. byE. A. Goodland,Random House, 19848. [1928.]Announcing a major literary event: here is the first translation into English of a landmark precursor of Latin American...
View ArticleChris Dankland - A very loose narrative holds the pieces together as these...
Chris Dankland, Weed Monks, Gumroad. 2016.“Weed Monks” reveals Chris Dankland to be the red-eyed man of the dank lands. Chris Dankland is the one that Madvillain referred to their award-winning hit...
View ArticleDesign Fiction identifies the current fascination with fiction across art,...
EP Vol. 2 . Design Fiction, Alex Coles, Ed., Sternberg Press, 2016.Contributions by Paola Antonelli, The Atlas Group (1989–2004), Alex Coles, Anthony Dunne, James Dyer, Umberto Eco, Experimental...
View ArticleMarvin Cohen - We cooked our meals by rubbing our bodies together while...
Marvin Cohen, Others, Including Morstive Sternbump: 40th Anniversary Edition, Tough Poets Press, new paperback edition of Others, Including Morstive Sternbump has been...
View ArticleVisions of Discovery: New Light on Physics, Cosmology, and Consciousness -...
Visions of Discovery: New Light on Physics, Cosmology, and Consciousness, Cambridge University Press, it at Google BooksWorld-leading researchers, including Nobel Laureates and rising young...
View ArticleJason DeBoer's experimental fictions were created by disintegrating and then...
Jason DeBoer, Annihilation Songs: Three Shakespeare Reintegrations,Stalking Horse Press, 2016.Killing the Dogs of Kathmandu, by Jason DeBoerThe Execution Of The SunWith Annihilation Songs: Three...
View ArticleGerard Reve - a novel that is not only a masterpiece but a cornerstone manque...
Gerard Reve, The Evenings, Trans. by Sam Garrett, Pushkin Press, 2016.[1947.]'I work in an office. I take cards out of a file. Once I have taken them out, I put them back in again. That is...
View ArticleSteven Dunn's writing is here, like a visceral intervention across the...
Steven Dunn, Potted Meat, Tarpaulin Sky Press, Meat, a novel set in a decaying town in southern West Virginia, follows a young boy into adolescence as he struggles with...
View ArticlePatrick Stuart & Zak Sabbath - Lethal gardens, soul-rending art galleries,...
Patrick Stuart & Zak Sabbath,Maze of the Blue Medusa, Satyr Press, 2016.Infinite broken night. Milky alien moons. Wavering demons of gold. Held in this jail of immortal threats are three perfect...
View ArticleMelchior Vischer - Proclaimed as the “first Dada novel” & the “literary...
Melchior Vischer, Second Through Brain: a novel, Trans. by David Vichnar & Tim König, Equus Press, 2015.Proclaimed as the “first Dada novel” & the “literary equivalent of Cézanne,” Melchior...
View ArticleThe Planetary Turn - the planetary model of art, culture, and...
The Planetary Turn: Relationality and Geoaesthetics in the Twenty-First Century, ed. by Amy J. Elias and Christian Moraru, Northwestern University Press, 2015.A groundbreaking essay collection that...
View ArticleFairy Tales for the Disillusioned collects thirty-six tales, many newly...
Fairy Tales for the Disillusioned : Enchanted Stories from the French Decadent Tradition, Ed. by Gretchen Schultz and Lewis Seifert, Princeton UP, 2016.The wolf is tricked by Red Riding Hood into...
View ArticleAlbertine Sarrazin - a cult rebel classic. Fear of capture, memories of her...
Albertine Sarrazin, Astragal, Trans. by Patsy Southgate, New Directions, 2013.Patti Smith on the long-lost novel she’s carried with her for almost 40 years.As if the reader were riding shotgun, this...
View ArticleGabriel Blackwell - Dubbed a commonplace book—a collection of quotations to...
Gabriel Blackwell, Madeleine E.,Outpost19, 2016. www.gabrielblackwell.comA commonplace book, arranging passages from critics considering Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo,...
View Articleduncan b. barlow - Gilles, dreamer of dark and beautiful dreams, spinner of...
duncan b. barlow, Of Flesh and Fur, The Cupboard, even the inner parts of a heart squall with want, calling out a compulsion to procreate, to propagate, to continue the...
View ArticleMaria Fusco - Combining fact and fiction, traversing scales of distance and...
Maria Fusco, Legend of the Necessary Dreamer, VanguardEditions, 2017. excerptexcerpt'A modest epic written in real-time, Maria Fusco’s Legend of the...
View ArticleDaïchi Saito proposes a personal reflection on language and the image, a...
Daïchi Saito, Moving the Sleeping Images of Things Towards the Light, Daïchi Saito offers a personal reflection on language and image. Saito doesn't write at an expert to theorize practice, but instead...
View Articleacross & beyond - a transmediale Reader on Post-digital Practices, Concepts,...
across & beyond. ed. by Ryan Bishop, Kristoffer Gansing, Jussi Parikka, Elvia Wilk, Sternberg Press, 2017. a transmediale Reader on Post-digital Practices, Concepts, and InstitutionsContributions...
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