Cergat - a truly fascinating, singular work that carves our descent into...
Cergat, Earthmare: The Lost Book of Wars. gnOme, 2017.cergat.wordpress.com/In mid-October 1997, two clay tablets marked in wedge-shaped signs, were discovered inside a cave in the Accursed Mountains in...
View Articleoudeís - talks of unnamed worlds, without life yet possessed by some...
oudeís, the spiral consilience, gnOme, 2016.read it at Google BooksThis chapbook starts by directly addressing humankind’s connection to the vastness of outer space, and sets forth the premise that...
View ArticleCamilla Grudova - Dolls, sewing machines, tinned foods, mirrors,...
Camilla Grudova, The Doll’s Alphabet, Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2017.stories:Wawy(Granta Magazine)Agatha's Machine (The White Review)THE SAD TALE OF THE SCONCE (eleven eleven)Surreal, ambitious and...
View ArticleMaura Del Serra - while rooted in classical Western & Eastern traditions, Del...
Maura Del Serra, Ladder of Oaths, Trans. by Dominic Siracusa, Contra Mundum Press, 2016. free sampleMaura Del Serra is a poet, playwright, translator, and essayist whose work is highly regarded in...
View ArticleOtto Dix's letters will prove to be of considerable interest to art...
Otto Dix, Letters, Vol. 1, Trans. by Mark Kanak, Contra Mundum Press, 2016.free sample (pdf)Otto Dix (1891–1969) is considered one of the true lions of 20th-C art, a man who established himself as an...
View ArticleTerry Smith writes about the history of Conceptual Art as its participant and...
Terry Smith,One and Five Ideas: On Conceptual Art and Conceptualism, Duke University Press Books, 2016.In One and Five Ideas eminent critic, historian, and former member of the Art & Language...
View ArticleDavid Leo Rice - David Lynch meets Neil Gaiman meets Samuel Beckett and the...
David Leo Rice, A Room in Dodge City, Alternating Current Press, 2017. Download Sneak Peek at Interior/Read ExcerptA Room in Dodge City follows a nameless drifter into an American heart of darkness. In...
View ArticleLutz Seiler - the first worthy successor to Thomas Mann’s Magic Mountain to...
Lutz Seiler, Kruso, Trans. by Tess Lewis, Scribe, 2017.excerptThe lyrical, bestselling 2014 German Book Prize winner.It is 1989, and a young literature student named Ed, fleeing unspeakable tragedy,...
View ArticleIbn Khālawayh - A fascinating volume. Everything in these pages emerges from...
Ibn Khālawayh, Names of the Lion, Trans. by David Larsen, Wave Books, 2017.Poet and scholar David Larsen’s English translation of the late 10th century Arabic lexicographer Ibn Khālawayh’s list of...
View ArticleAmbroise Lefurgey - Enigmatic and dreamlike, yet not without a recurrent...
Ambroise Lefurgey, Selected Poems. Trans. and Foreword by Liesl Ketum. gnOme, 2017.Lefurgey was a metaphysical wayfarer, a poet-sage who lived his life on the razor’s edge. A walking coincidentia...
View ArticleThe Proverbs of Ashendōn veer from the broken narrative of their initial...
The Proverbs of Ashendōn. gnOme, 2017.The litany of a parallel, venomous wisdom, The Proverbs of Ashendōn veer from the broken narrative of their initial occlusion, to the lucidity of...
View ArticleMichel de Ghelderode - By turns mystical, macabre and whimsically humorous,...
Michel de Ghelderode, Spells, Trans. by George MacLennon, Wakefield Press, 2017.Hitherto unavailable in English, Spells, by the Belgian dramatist Michel de Ghelderode, ranks among the 20th century’s...
View ArticleLouis Levy - Combining elements of the serial film, detective story and...
Louis Levy, Kzradock the Onion Man and the Spring-Fresh Methuselah: From the Notes of Dr. Renard de Montpensier, Wakefield Press, 2017. read it at Google BooksOriginally published in Danish in 1910,...
View ArticleLudic Dreaming - Dreams do not distort reality, so much as they are the...
Ludic Dreaming: How to Listen Away from Contemporary Technoculture, by David Cecchetto, Marc Couroux, Ted Hiebert, Eldritch Priest,Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.read it at Google BooksLudic Dreaming uses...
View ArticleOrikuchi Shinobu - At once a work of innovative fiction, written in an...
Orikuchi Shinobu, The Book of the Dead, Trans. by Jeffrey Angles, University Of Minnesota Press, 2017.excerpt(Granta)First published in 1939 and extensively revised in 1943, The Book of the Dead,...
View ArticleSoren Melville - It begins with Laura, a barren modern gothic, a vampire...
Soren Melville, S/N/D, Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2017.excerptSoren Melville’s debut is a novella and a novel. It begins with Laura, a barren modern gothic, a vampire story without any vampires, a...
View ArticleJane Wong - Animal, vegetable, mineral, mothers, grandmothers, continents,...
Jane Wong, Overpour, Action Books, 2016.janewong.tumblr.com/Jane Wong’s first collection makes a brilliant entrance. Animal, vegetable, mineral, mothers, grandmothers, continents, bugs and blood and...
View ArticleNat Baldwin - The blades, the rust, the dirt, the mouth, the meat, the blood,...
Nat Baldwin, The Red Barn, Calamari Archive, Ink., 2017.excerpts:FanzineThe SpectacleAlice BlueTimber DelugePankSleepingfish"In THE RED BARN, Nat Baldwin decomposes narrative's safe spaces. The symbols...
View ArticleMichel Leiris pursues his heroine, Aurora, through a visionary landscape shot...
Michel Leiris, Aurora and Cardinal Point,Trans. by Anna Warby, Terry Hale. Introduced by Anna Warby. Atlas Press, 2014. [1925.]This volume collects two classics of Surrealist fiction, both long out of...
View ArticleKaren An-hwei Lee - In resplendent, incandescent prose, Karen An-hwei Lee...
Karen An-hwei Lee, Sonata in K, Ellipsis Press, 2017. karenanhweilee.wordpress.com/Who is Kafka-san? Is he a digitally remastered hologram of the famous writer? Or a golem engineered from a finger-bone...
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