James Reich - Giving voice to one of the most enigmatic characters in the...
James Reich, Mistah Kurtz! A Prelude to Heart of Darkness,Anti-Oedipus Press, 2016.www.jamesreichbooks.com/In Mistah Kurtz! A Prelude to Heart of Darkness, James Reich discloses the contents of the...
View ArticleNorman Conquest (Derek Pell) - Here you'll find kernels of fact hidden inside...
Norman Conquest, Corn on Macabre & Other Conundrums, Anti-Oedipus Press, 2016.These nineteen "invasive" fictions were discovered in that part of the brain that is continuous with the spinal cord...
View ArticleJonathan Lethem and Laurence A. Rickels - Animating their zone of...
Jonathan Lethem and Laurence A. Rickels, The Blot, Anti-Oedipus Press, 2016.In this supplement to Jonathan Lethem's novel A Gambler's Anatomy, the renowned novelist engages in a concerted transatlantic...
View ArticleJim Gauer’s novel is a burst of fresh air, and it resembles a Tarantino movie...
Jim Gauer, Novel Explosives, Zerogram Press, 2016.excerpt"An amazing novel, a literary masterpiece that reads like a thriller . . . the most fun reading I've had in ages." -- Steven MooreAmbitious,...
View ArticleAlan Ansen - Though perhaps best known as the model for some of the most...
Alan Ansen, Disorderly Houses: A Book Of Poems, Literary Licensing, LLC, 2012. (Wesleyan University Press, 1961.)"It would not be accurate to call Mr Ansen a 'beat' poet, although he has something of...
View ArticleMaurice Gilliams was probably the most introverted of Flemish writers and his...
Maurice Gilliams, Elias, or the Struggle with the Nightingales, Trans. by André Lefevere, Green Integer, 2016.Born in 1900 in Antwerp, Belgium, Maurice Gilliams came to be recognized over the century...
View ArticleRoger Lewinter believes that in the realm of art, “the distinction between...
Roger Lewinter, The Attraction of Things, Trans. by Rachel Careau, Bilingual ed.,New Directions, 2016. Stunning fragments that offer an epiphany of grace and beauty The...
View ArticleMiquel de Palol - 'The Troiacord' is perhaps the first great novel of the...
Miquel de Palol: Under the Sign of AnaximanderMiquel de Palol (Barcelona, 1953). Poet and fiction writer. He studied architecture and made his literary debut with a book of poems. His first novel, El...
View ArticleMike McCormack - an extraordinary novel by a writer not yet famous but surely...
Mike McCormack, Solar Bones, Tramp Press, 2016.Once a year, on All Souls Day, it is said that the dead may return; Solar Bones tells the story of one such visit. Set in the west of Ireland as the...
View ArticleEric Wilson - the raw literary power of the Lovecraftian weird tale serves as...
Eric Wilson, The Republic of Cthulhu: Lovecraft, the Weird Tale, and Conspiracy Theory, Punctum Books, 2016.Read an Except from The Republic of Cthulhu HERE!If parapolitics, a branch of radical...
View ArticleLúcio Cardoso - The book itself is strange, part Faulknerian meditation on...
Lúcio Cardoso, Chronicle of the Murdered House, Trans. by Margaret Jull Costa and Robin Patterson, Open Letter, 2016.“A real revolution in Brazilian Literature.” —Benjamin MoserLong considered one of...
View ArticleEmmanuelle Pagano - In this fiction of yous and mes, of hims and hers, Pagano...
Emmanuelle Pagano, Trysting, Trans. by Jennifer Higgins and Sophie Lewis,And Other Stories & Two Lines Press, 2016.Third up for 2016 is the remarkable Trysting by Emmanuelle Pagano, translated by...
View ArticleDavid Clerson - an original, phantasmagoric piece of fiction that is steeped...
David Clerson, Brothers,Trans. byKatia Grubisic,Baraka Books, 2016.excerptDavid Clerson’s first novel won the Grand prix littéraire Archambault 2014. It is an original piece of fiction, steeped in myth...
View ArticleGabriel Blackwell - Dubbed a commonplace book—a collection of quotations to...
Gabriel Blackwell, Madeleine E.,Outpost19, 2016. www.gabrielblackwell.comA commonplace book, arranging passages from critics considering Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo,...
View ArticleThe Filatory - re-creating the impulse of secret societies in an age of...
The Filatory: Compendium I. gnOme. 2016. This collection marks new experimental domains for The Filatory, an unidentified circle that operates with the intent of concealment: re-creating the impulse...
View ArticleMisha Pam Dick - Büchner flees 19th century Germany, juggling Spinoza and...
Misha Pam Dick, this is the fugitive, Essay Press, 2016.this is the fugitiveis an essay in the form of a prose poem, an assay with the content of a reflection, an essey that is driven out but bending...
View ArticleTranslated By - Each of the authors invent or interpret place. Mundane,...
Translated By, Charles Arsène-Henry, Shumon Basar eds., Bedford Press, 2011. excerptsTranslated By accompanies the exhibition at the Architectural Association, which gathers eleven literary...
View ArticleAlberto Chimal - a prodigy of the imagination, a fascinating reading...
Alberto Chimal, La torre y el jardín [The Tower and the Garden]There have been a few novels that I have read during my life where, not only do I enjoy the novel and/or think that it is a great novel...
View ArticleThe 3D Additivist Cookbook
The 3D Additivist Cookbook, devised and edited with Morehshin Allahyari, is a project three years in the making. A compendium of imaginative, provocative works from over 100 world-leading artists,...
View ArticleMark Blacklock - a riveting novel about truth, lies, prison and shame. It is...
Mark Blacklock, I'm Jack, Granta Books, 2015. In this provocative novel Mark Blacklock portrays the true and complex history of John Humble, aka Wearside Jack, the Ripper...
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