Dorothy Tse tells of women who transform into fish, lovers who sever their...
Dorothy Tse, Snow and Shadow, East Slope Publishing, FishApartment BlockJanuary: BridgesHong Kong literature inside and outside of the Umbrella Movement, an...
View ArticleJeff Wood - A spellbinding work in the spirit of Tarkovsky or Jodorowsky that...
Jeff Wood, The Glacier, Two Dollar Radio, 2015. excerptA spellbinding work in the spirit of Tarkovsky or Jodorowsky that reimagines the American frontier at the turn of the millennium, a time when...
View ArticleAlex Chaves - Abigail Adams is reluctant, rebellious, bored and better...
Alex Chaves, Abigail Adams, Penny-Ante Editions, 2015.We’ll call it poetry. “I’m not fucking anne carson,” Abigail Adams retorts.Abigail Adams is reluctant, rebellious, bored and better looking; a...
View ArticleA Thousand Forests in One Acorn: An Anthology of Spanish-Language Fiction -...
A Thousand Forests in One Acorn: An Anthology of Spanish-Language Fiction, Valerie Miles, ed., Open Letters, 2015.Included in this volume are pieces by Horacio Castellanos Moya, Rafael Chirbes, José de...
View ArticlePaolo Volponi - an almost impressionistic recovery of magma in which a man...
Paolo Volponi, Corporale, Einaudi, 2014.I bought Paolo Volponi’s novel in Rome as a souvenir during my brief stay in that incredibly beautiful city this July. I gave it preference over the selfie...
View ArticlePaul Kingsnorth - Written in what the author describes as “a shadow tongue”—a...
Paul Kingsnorth, The Wake, Graywolf, A FILMANDREAD AN EXTRACTIn the aftermath of the Norman Invasion of 1066, William the Conqueror was...
View ArticleTip Marugg - A man drinks and awaits the coming dawn with his dogs, thinking...
Tip Marugg, The Roar of Morning,Trans. by Paul Vincent, Yale University Press, 2015.“Tip” Marugg’s The Roar of Morning has been widely praised as an intensely personal, often dreamlike literary...
View ArticleHubert Haddad - Rich in historical detail, Rochester Knockings novelizes the...
Hubert Haddad, Rochester Knockings: A Novel of the Fox Sisters, Trans. by Jennifer Grotz, Open Letter, 2015.The Fox sisters grew up just outside of Rochester, NY, in a house that had a reputation for...
View Article'Realism Materialism Art' introduces a diverse selection of new realist and...
Realism Materialism Art, Christoph Cox, Jenny Jaskey, Suhail Malik, Eds.,Sternberg Press, 2015.With a collection of images curated by Jenny Jaskey and Alicia RitsonContributions by Armen Avanessian,...
View ArticleMetahaven - In Black Transparency— part essay, part fanzine—Metahaven embark...
Metahaven, Black Transparency: The Right to Know in the Age of Mass Surveillance, Sternberg Press, transparency is an involuntary disclosure of secrets...
View ArticlePavel Šrut - Novak is a kind of modern soldier Švejk, the wise buffoon...
Pavel Šrut, Paper Shoes, Trans. by Ema Katrovas. Carnegie Mellon UP, 2009.Pavel Šrut'sfractured lyrics are often themselves fractured parables about the individual’s relation to authority, whether that...
View ArticleThomas Mofolo - a fictionalized account of the life of the great African...
Thomas Mofolo, Chaka, Trans. by Daniel P. Kunene, Heinemann; New Ed, it at Google BooksThis novel is the first of many works of literature that takes the great Zulu leader, king, and emperor...
View ArticleMario Pfeifer - The publication engages discourses of cultural production...
Mario Pfeifer, Approximation in the Digital Age for a Humanity Condemned to Disappear, Ed. by Mario Pfeifer, Thomas Seelig.Contributions by Hugo Palmarola, Mario Pfeifer, Thomas Seelig,Sternberg Press,...
View ArticleMarius Kociejowski chronicles serendipitous encounters with authors,...
Marius Kociejowski, The Pebble Chance: Feuilletons and Other Prose, Biblioasis, it at Google BooksIn the game of bocce, no matter how intensely you study the world's surface, there is always...
View ArticleMarcos Lutyens chronicles the Hypnotic Show and puts together all kinds of...
Marcos Lutyens, Memoirs of a Hypnotist: 100 Days. Ed. by Kari Cwynar. Sternberg Press, 2015.When Marcos Lutyens arrived in Kassel in the summer of 2012, he didn’t know he would end up staying for the...
View Articleerica kaufman - 'We are all mutants in our own gaze,' says erica kaufman, in...
erica kaufman, INSTANT CLASSIC, Roof Books, 2013.INSTANT CLASSIC is precisely that; as soon as you start reading it, you say, oh, yeah, of course, why didn’t I think of that? Exploring the pathways of...
View ArticleIrena Haiduk - The Divine can imagine things that The Human cannot imagine....
Irena Haiduk, Spells, Ed. by Karsten Lund, Sternberg Press, is Human? What is Divine? The Divine not only can do things that The Human cannot imagine, The Divine can imagine...
View ArticleSînziana Păltineanu - The protagonist is a person free of financial concerns...
Sînziana Păltineanu, Elephant Chronicles, Fiktion, download hereThe protagonist of Romanian writer and historian Sînziana Păltineanu’s debut novel Elephant Chronicles is a person free of...
View ArticleRajiv Balasubramanyam - ten interlinked narratives, each ‘starring’ a...
Rajiv Balasubramanyam, Starstruck, Fiktion, 2015.Download for free is a collection of ten interlinked narratives, each ‘starring’ a celebrity to...
View ArticleJakob Nolte takes us on a breakneck journey through an imaginary America of...
Jakob Nolte, Alff, Trans. byLéon Dische Becker and Emily Dische-Becker. Fiktion, download hereJakob Nolte’s debut novel ALFF tells of a series of murders at the High & Low High School in...
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