David Soares - In Lisbon, the obscure poet Pessoa is mourning his mother’s...
David Soares, A Conspiração dos Antepassados [The Conspiracy of the Ancestors]As my long-term readers may remember, back in 2013 I wrote about the letters Fernando Pessoa and Aleister Crowley exchanged...
View ArticleZofia Nalkowska - A glittering example of the modernist novel. The narrator,...
Zofia Nalkowska, Choucas, Trans. by Ursula Phillips, Northern Illinois University Press, 2014.The novel in Europe in the early 20th century took a decidedly inward turn, and Choucas (1927) is an...
View ArticleSpeculations (“The future is ______”) - Triple Canopy invited more than sixty...
Speculations (“The future is ______”), Ed. by Triple Canopy, Triple Canopy, 2015.In the summer of 2013, Triple Canopy invited more than sixty writers, artists, scientists, activists, economists, and...
View ArticleK. Silem Mohammad occupies a territory where the borders between hypertext...
K. Silem Mohammad, The Front, Roof Books, 2009.Kenny Goldsmith said that "K. Silem Mohammad is the Andy Warhol of contemporary poetry, acutely scraping the bottom of the cultural barrel with such...
View ArticleMonsters of the Rue Macabre - A nonpareil literary buffet of 38 dishes from...
Monsters of the Rue Macabre, Adam Henry Carriere, Ed., Hammer & Anvil Books, 2013.Lovers of the imaginative and monstrous, epicureans of the grotesque, the furry, the freaky, and the far-out ......
View ArticleSurreal Worlds - An anthology of surrealistic compositions created by some of...
Surreal Worlds,Ed. by Sean Leonard and Bizarro Pulp Press, Bizarro Pulp Press, 2015.From beyond the boundaries of the imagination and the universe… An anthology of surrealistic compositions created by...
View ArticleK'ung Shang-jen - A tale of battling armies, political intrigue, star-crossed...
K'ung Shang-jen, The Peach Blossom Fan, Trans. by Chen Shih-hsiang, Harold Acton and Cyril Birch, NYRB Classics, 2015.[1699.] read it at Google Books and hereA tale of battling armies,...
View Article'Mutilations on a Theme' exemplifies the idiosyncratic ways fiction and...
Mutilations on a Theme, Ed. by Grayson Del Faro, Jaded Ibis Press, 2015.Authored by Grayson Del Faro Contributions by Matthew Weinkam, Kylee Cook, David Tarleton, Isaac Weil, Melanie Page, Daniel...
View ArticleBeth Couture - a marvelously strange concoction, a cocktail of super-realism,...
Beth Couture, Women Born with Fur: a Biography, Jaded Ibis Press, 2015.“Where the magic of invention meets up with the heft of the human heart. That’s what has been delivered to us here in the form of...
View ArticleReiner Stach - A magnificent Kafka's biography. Lawyer, clerk, hypochondriac,...
Reiner Stach, Kafka:The Years of Insight, Trans. by Shelley Frisch. Princeton University Press, 2013.IntroductionThis volume of Reiner Stach's acclaimed and definitive biography of Franz Kafka tells...
View ArticleErik Anderson walked a path that traced the letters Pastoral between February...
Erik Anderson, The Poetics of Trespass, Otis Books/Seismicity Editions, 2010.excerpt(pdf) Using his Denver apartment as a central locale, Erik Anderson walked a path that traced the letters...
View ArticleAgustín de Rojas - This mesmerizing novel, recalling '2001: Space Odyssey',...
Agustín de Rojas, A Legend of the Future, Restless Books, 2015.A morally profound chamber piece, A Legend of the Future is a critique of morality. It takes place inside a spaceship after a crash takes...
View ArticleColoured Handprints: 20 German-Language Poets - it asserts the power of...
Coloured Handprints: 20 German-Language Poets, Ed by Anatoly Kudryavitsky, Dedalus Press, 2015.Coloured Handprints introduces the work of 20 contemporary German-speaking poets, from Germany, Austria...
View Article' A Night at the Nabokov Hotel: 20 Contemporary Poets from Russia' seeks to...
20 Contemporary Poets from Russia, Ed. by Anatoly Kudryavitsky, Dedalus Press, 2006.This bilingual anthology seeks to capture the frustration, the suppressed ambitions and the hidden energy of several...
View ArticleBryan Hurt - a soup pot of the funniest dry sentences plus unusual facts that...
Bryan Hurt , Everyone Wants to Be Ambassador to France, Starcherone, 2015.bryanhurt.tumblr.com/Stories:Spooky Action at a DistanceMoonlessVicissitudes, CAMy Other Car Drives ItselfAn astronaut quits...
View ArticleOsvaldo Lamborghini is one of the great myths of contemporary Argentine...
The first publication of Osvaldo Lamborghini (Buenos Aires 1940 – Barcelona 1985), shortly after his thirtieth birthday, was El fiord; it appeared in 1969, but had been written several years before. It...
View Article'Gigantic Worlds' - 51 science flash fiction stories from 51 authors that...
Gigantic Worlds, Ed. by Lincoln Michel and Nadxieli Nieto, Gigantic Books, 2014.51 science flash fiction stories from 51 authors that will transport you to other worlds. Over 250 pages of robot...
View ArticleGaston de Pawlowski - a dizzying catalog of absurd imaginary gadgets and...
Gaston de Pawlowski, Journey to the Land of the Fourth Dimension, Adapted by Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2009. [1912.] Immortality, it was understood in the Age of the Golden Eagle, is...
View ArticleBest of Gigantic: Stories from the First First Five Years, 2009–14
Best of Gigantic: Stories from the First Five Years, 2009–14, Gigantic Books, 2014.Included are parables, fairy tales, monologues, and stories in which one might encounter a talking deer or a juggling...
View ArticleOskar Panizza - The carnivalesque satire, dealing with the first recorded...
Peter D.G. Brown, Oskar Panizza and The Love Council: A History of the Scandalous Play on Stage and in Court, with the Complete Text in English and a Biography of the Author, McFarland, 2010.In 1894,...
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