Emmanuelle Waeckerlé - Fifty years later 'Reading (Story of) O' reprints, in...
Emmanuelle Waeckerlé, Reading (Story of) O, Uniformbooks, 2015.www.ewaeckerle.com/The famous erotic novel Story of O began as a series of love letters written by Anne Cécile Desclos to her lover Jean...
View ArticleClaudia Molitor - Collating new compositions, spoken word and archival...
Claudia Molitor, Sonorama: Listening to the View from the Train, Uniformbooks, 2014.www.claudiamolitor.org/projects/sonoramaExcerpts form SonoramaLocated on the train journey between London St Pancras...
View ArticleHelen McClory - Whether telling of a boy cyclops or a pretty dead girl,...
Helen McClory, On the Edges of Vision, Queen's Ferry Press, 2015. In On the Edges of Vision, unease sounds itself in the language of legend. Images call on memory, on the monstrous self. In Helen...
View ArticleRyan Ridge & Mel Bosworth - meet a nation of misfits only masquerading as...
Ryan Ridge & Mel Bosworth, Camouflage Country,Queen's Ferry Press, 2015.Step into Camouflage Country and meet a nation of misfits only masquerading as such. For these up-and-comers, down-and-outs,...
View ArticlePeter Blegvad - 'Kew. Rhone.' is an album by a mismatched assortment of...
Peter Blegvad, Kew. Rhone., Uniformbooks, 2014.First released in 1977, Kew. Rhone. is an album by a mismatched assortment of musicians performing intricate jazz- and pop-inflected songs with lyrics...
View ArticleJessica L. Richardson's debut collection teems with double magic - families...
Jessica L. Richardson,It Had Been Planned and There Were Guides: Stories, Fiction Collective Two, 2015.read it at Google Bookswww.jessicaleerichardson.com/Jessica Lee Richardson's debut collection It...
View ArticleHolly Pester - Using anecdote as a method to generate a collection of poetry,...
Holly Pester, Go to Reception and Ask for Sara in Red Felt Tip, Book Works, 2015.www.hollypester.com/Anecdote literally means unofficial, unpublished knowledge. It is non-quantifiable and contrary to...
View ArticleTadeusz Borowski - In spare, brutal prose he describes a world where where...
Tadeusz Borowski, This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen,Penguin, 1976.excerptTadeusz Borowski’s concentration camp stories were based on his own experiences surviving Auschwitz and Dachau. In...
View ArticleHugh Aldersey-Williams pulls the unfairly neglected yet enormously...
Hugh Aldersey-Williams, The Adventures of Sir Thomas Browne in the 21st Century, Granta, 2015.A profound and delightful jeu d'esprit of a book, mixing biography, etymology, cultural history and...
View ArticleA. J. Carruthers - Can utopia be lived inside the work? Is there a place for...
A. J. Carruthers, Axis Book 1: ‘Areal’, Vagabond Press, 2014.How to begin a long poem? In Axis Book 1: ‘Areal’, the inaugural part of carruthers’ long poem project, each ‘axis’ cuts, layers, folds, and...
View ArticleIan Curtis - a set of facsimiles: the lyrics of Joy Division's Ian Curtis on...
Ian Curtis, So This is Permanence: Joy Division Lyrics and Notebooks, Chronicle Books, 2014. When you’re equal parts book and music fan, it’s a special treat to speak to...
View ArticleSupplanting the Postmodern - the early years of the 21st century have seen a...
Supplanting the Postmodern An Anthology of Writings on the Arts and Culture of the Early 21st Century, David Rudrum, Nicholas Stavris, eds., Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015.For more than a decade now a...
View ArticleCarolee Schneemann - The most thorough visual overview of the work of...
Carolee Schneemann, Unforgivable, Black Dog Publishing, 2015.The most thorough visual overview of the work of groundbreaking and celebrated feminist artist Carolee Schneemann. Her prestigious career...
View ArticleBen Segal - From an oceanic bedroom to a restaurant overrun by hedgehogs, a...
Ben Segal, Pool Party Trap Loop, Queen's Ferry Press, 2015.bensegal.blogspot.hr/If space determines the contours of possibility, Ben Segal’s domain delineates limitlessness. From an oceanic bedroom to...
View ArticleBasarab Nicolescu - a new era, cosmodernity, founded on a contemporary vision...
Basarab Nicolescu, From Modernity to Cosmodernity: Science, Culture, and Spirituality, State University of New York Press, 2015. read it at Google...
View ArticleNikolaj Lübecker - An analysis of what contemporary directors seek to attain...
Nikolaj Lübecker, The Feel-Bad Film, Edinburgh University Press, 2015.Read and download the introduction for free here (pdf)In recent years some of the best-known European and American art film...
View ArticleTatyana Shcherbina - life is a masquerade and its participants are characters...
Tatyana Shcherbina, Multiple Personalities, Glagoslav Publications , 2015.excerptHaving spent years in a coma, a female protagonist is anxious to lead a normal life. Her miraculous recovery is riddled...
View ArticleLiterature and Intoxication - Intoxication has not only been a way to aid...
Literature and Intoxication: Writing, Politics and the Experience of Excess, Eugene Brennan and Russell Williams, eds., Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Sample ChapterWriters have...
View ArticleJackie Lewis - an observation of the human psyche - at times at play, at...
Jackie Lewis, The Dropped Baby and Other Curious Tales, Vanguard Press, 2015.Come inside and travel on a journey of curious tales. Jackie Lewis' first explosive collection of short stories is an...
View ArticleRobert Herbert McClean - The collection consists of three interconnected...
Robert Herbert McClean, Pangs!, Aldgate Press, 2015.Pangs! is the debut poetry collection from Irish experimental writer and audio-visual artist Robert Herbert McClean.The collection consists of three...
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