Paulette Jonguitud - the story is both psychological and magical; the...
Paulette Jonguitud, Mildew, Trans. by the author, CB Editions, was dark in the centre, olive green, and its edges were lighter. I separated the skin where I...
View ArticleRose Knapp - what happens when people let language live, and let it represent...
Rose Knapp, Metempoiesis,Dostoyevski Wannabe, Visceral visions, Dadaist hysterical mania, and Nadjas' nonsense.Rose Knapp’s “Metempoïesis” is what happens when language stops...
View ArticleAndrew Farkas - How does the brain think about itself? The brainy Andrew...
Andrew Farkas, Sunsphere, BlazeVOX, 2018.excerptZeno's Shotgun ParadoxThe Sunsphere is a 266-foot-tall green truss structure topped by a gold glass sphere that was built as the symbol of the 1982...
View ArticleKevin Breathnach - A documentary of the narrator's post-adolescent...
Kevin Breathnach, Tunnel Vision, Faber & Faber, 2019.excerptCracking UpDancing at the ardfheiseannaA summer in ParisA lethal cocktail of memoir and criticism, Tunnel Vision launches the career of...
View ArticleKaren Elizabeth Gordon - Looking back to the fairy tales of Hans Christian...
Karen Elizabeth Gordon, Red Shoes and Other Tattered Tales, Dalkey Archive Press, 1996.Best known for her Gothic language handbooks (reissued recently as The New Well-Tempered Sentence and The Deluxe...
View ArticleDarius Nikbin examines what subjectivity means, particularly in relation to...
Darius Nikbin, The Universal Subject of Our Time: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Machine, Zero Books, it at Google BooksThe Subject itself is the Subject of the Machine. What...
View ArticleGiuseppe Bonaviri is known for sending his characters on metaphysical quests...
Giuseppe Bonaviri, Dolcissimo, Trans. by Umberto Mariani, Italica Press, 2008.The physician Ariete returns to his Sicilian birthplace to investigate the mysterious disappearance of its villagers. There...
View ArticleSimon Sellars - a hybrid theory-fiction litcrit-cum-SF novel. An existential...
Simon Sellars, Applied Ballardianism: Memoir from a Parallel Universe, Urbanomic, existential odyssey weaving together lived experience and theoretical...
View ArticleThe Other Irish Tradition - From Laurence Sterne to Flann O’Brien and beyond,...
The Other Irish Tradition: An Anthology, Ed. by Rob Doyle, dalkey Archive Press, 2109.Irish writing, we are told, is currently enjoying a renaissance. Strange, original talents are blossoming, wielding...
View ArticleEric Cecil - These six stories take the familiar and strange, run them...
Eric Cecil, Tunnels, Expat Press, 2018.Friends – Eric CecilTunnels (early draft) – Eric CecilA drifter stalks the streets of a nameless metropolis in an obsessive pursuit. A couple are terrorized in...
View ArticleAndrew Robert Hodgson - Here is a larva, lost in a midsummer night’s Babel;...
Andrew Robert Hodgson, Mnemic Symbols, Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2019.‘Here is a larva, lost in a midsummer night’s Babel; one of Robbe-Grillet’s detective cyphers is wearing a Pnin suit; its name is...
View ArticleCarl Julius Salomonsen - a pmphlet from 1919.: "We stand, at this moment,...
Carl Julius Salomonsen, New Forms of Art and Contagious Mental Illness, Trans. by Andrew Hodgson, New Documents, 2018. [1919.]Over the years 1919–20, the celebrated medical scientist and doctor Carl...
View ArticleFriedrich Gorenstein - Nazism and Stalinism are inextricably linked, with the...
Friedrich Gorenstein, Redemption, Trans. by Andrew Bromfield, Columbia University Press, 2018.It is New Year’s Eve 1945 in a small Soviet town not long liberated from German occupation. Sashenka, a...
View ArticleMarshall N. Klimasewiski - it defies easy categorisation (a Chekhovian...
Marshall N. Klimasewiski, The Cottagers, W. W. Norton & Co., 2006.A debut novel of literary suspense when a man disappears, people are not who they seem and everyone is a suspect. Cyrus Coddington,...
View ArticleMaxwell Bodenheim - "I am a distinguished outcast in American letters — a... a lost Jazz Age novel from literary obscurityMaxwell Bodenheim, Georgie May, 1928.Maxwell Bodenheim, Six A.M., 1932. One of my...
View ArticleDiana Walsh Pasulka - When Silicon Valley usurps the transcendent potential...
Diana Walsh Pasulka, American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology, Oxford University Press, (pdf)A fascinating study of the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrials by...
View ArticleDavid Lynch: Someone is in My House - Featuring rarely seen multimedia works...
Kristine McKenna and Stijn Huijts, David Lynch: Someone is in My House, Prestel, 2019. Featuring rarely seen multimedia works by the revered cult filmmaker David Lynch, this revelatory book shows how...
View ArticleDaniel Canty - With its traces of Borges, Calvino, and Perec, Canty’s...
Daniel Canty, Wigrum, Trans. by Oana Avasilichioaei, Talonbooks, 2013.excerptIt’s October 1944. During a brief respite from the aerial bombardment of London, Sebastian Wigrum absconds from his small...
View ArticleRéjean Ducharme - the god of Quebec lit, he is like the French-Canadian cross...
Réjean Ducharme, Go Figure, Trans. by Will Browning, Talon Books, 2003.Go Figure is the hauntingly beautiful tale of a Montreal couple alienated from each other after suffering the miscarriage of twin...
View ArticleHilary Evans and Robert E. Bartholomew - From fads, crazes, and manias to...
Hilary Evans and Robert E. Bartholomew, Outbreak! The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior, Anomalist Books, it at Google BooksFrom fads, crazes, and manias to collective delusions,...
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