Explaining Death to Children - sorcerous activism : communal witchwork :...
Explaining Death to Children, Void Front Press, 2018.vol 1 download PDF herevol 2 download PDF here(best viewed two pages side by side)black magic + green magic + red magicsorcerous activism : communal...
View ArticleAlex Pheby's extraordinary novel takes us inside the darkness of Lucia Joyce...
Alex Pheby, Lucia, Galley Beggar Press, 2018.Alex Pheby's extraordinary novel takes us inside the darkness of Lucia Joyce - gifted dancer, lover of Samuel Beckett, daughter of James - who spent her...
View ArticleAnia Walwicz - Work crosses boundaries between poetics, theory and...
Ania Walwicz, horse, UWA Publishing, 2018.Book extract excerptEnter into the world of imaginative writing that crosses over into theories of language and the mind: A fairytale. Magic horse tells me. I...
View ArticleGonzalo C. Garcia - At twenty-seven, single again after a brief shared life...
Gonzalo C. Garcia, We Are The End, Galley Beggar Press, 2017.Read the first chapter here.excerptTomás' girlfriend has left him. She has, in fact, fled to Antarctica, leaving him alone in Santiago,...
View ArticleT. F. Powys - He sets his tales in a grotesquely exaggerated rural landscape,...
T. F. Powys, Unclay, New Directions, 2018. [1931.]www.powys-society.org/The%20Powys%20Society%20T.%20F.%20Powys.htm T. F. Powys is a forgotten genius like no other―and Unclay is his masterpieceNew...
View ArticleAndrew Elias Colarusso - A hybrid chronicle stretching itself in every...
Andrew Elias Colarusso, The Sovereign, Dalkey Archive Press,2017.13 October ―01 and inching toward midnight, Lieutenant Frances Villegas sits at a Steinway trying desperately to play Stravinsky’s...
View ArticleRoss Simonini - a fascinating take on the cult of personality: about...
Ross Simonini, The Book of Formation, Melville House, 2017.This debut novel—told in interviews—spans 20 years in the rise and fall of the charismatic leader of a seductive self-help movement.In the...
View ArticleRoss Simonini - a fascinating take on the cult of personality: about...
Ross Simonini, The Book of Formation, Melville House, 2017.This debut novel—told in interviews—spans 20 years in the rise and fall of the charismatic leader of a seductive self-help movement.In the...
View ArticleEduard von Keyserling - "You are the Baroness von Buttlär, are you not, and I...
Eduard von Keyserling, Waves, Trans. by Gary Miiler, Dedalus, 2019.First published on the eve of the First World War, Keyserling's masterpiece offers a vivid portrait of a society on the verge of...
View ArticlePhilip Ording - a multifaceted perspective on mathematics by demonstrating 99...
Philip Ording, 99 Variations on a Proof, Princeton UP, 2019.read it at Google BooksAn exploration of mathematical style through 99 different proofs of the same theorem.This book offers a multifaceted...
View ArticleHope Jennings - This groundbreaking portrait of an unknown and possibly...
Hope Jennings, Nostalgia, Anti-Oedipus Press, 2105.excerptwww.hopejennings.comNostalgia is the definitive biography of Mina Byrne, obscure avant-garde poet, painter, lamp-shade maker, and...
View ArticleJordan A. Rothacker - a clever Mobius strip narrative and an invitation to a...
Jordan A. Rothacker, Gristle,Stalking Horse Press,2019.excerptexcerpt 2Gristle is alchemical theatre, a collection of weird tales, twelve fingers on the steering wheel, with D.H.Lawrence and Sylvia...
View ArticleJoseph Perl - Announced as "the first Hebrew novel," this brainy and weighty...
Joseph Perl, Revealer Of Secrets: The First Hebrew Novel, Trans. by Dov Taylor, Routledge, 1996. [1819.]The dawning of the nineteenth century found the Jews of Eastern Europe torn between the forces of...
View ArticleChristopher Manson - “This is not really a book. This is a building in the...
Christopher Manson, Maze, Holt Paperbacks, 1985.http://www.intotheabyss.net/This is not really a book. This is a building in the shape of a book...a maze. Each numbered page depicts a room in the maze....
View ArticleMark Mayer - An assortment of quirky, intricate stories connected by the...
Mark Mayer, Aerialists: Stories, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.www.markgmayer.com"Mark Mayer writes with a humorous, wistful elegance. His stories are singular, as detached and intimate as...
View ArticleLukáš Tomin - A martyrised allegory of itself, The Doll is like an unredeemed...
Lukáš Tomin, The Doll, Twisted Spoon Press, 2010. [1992.]excerptThe cult novel of early 1990s Prague.Set somewhere in Europe, The Doll interweaves the stories of three couples in search of...
View ArticlePaul Hawkins takes appropriated text from the world of Formula One Motor...
Paul Hawkins, Lou Ham: Racing Anthropocene Statements, Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2018. excerptThese statements were initially created from texts of radio transcripts between a multi-millionaire, tax-evading...
View ArticleGabriela Alemán - One part Pynchon, one part García Marquez, and one part...
Gabriela Alemán, Poso Wells,Trans. by Dick Cluster, City Lights Books, 2018.Celebrated Ecuadorian author Gabriela Alemán's first work to appear in English: a noir, feminist eco-thriller in which...
View ArticleJo Lendle - fictionalised account of the life of polar explorer, Alfred...
Jo Lendle, All the Land, Trans. byKaty Derbyshire, Seagull Books, 2019.How, in 1930, did Alfred Wegener, the son of minister from Berlin, find himself in the most isolated spot on earth, attempting to...
View ArticleAbu l-Ala al-Maarri - One of the most unusual books in classical Arabic...
Abu l-Ala al-Maarri, The Epistle of Forgiveness: Volumes One and Two, Trans. by Gregor Schoeler and Geert Jan Van GelderNYU Press; Reprint ed., 2016. One of the most unusual books in classical Arabic...
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