Judson Hamilton - celebration of the oddball, those who defy the normal way...
Judson Hamilton, Gross in Feather, Loud in Voice, Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2017.The incantations of tattoos, a child raised in a shopping mall, whale hearts and the whisperings of graffiti - the stories of...
View ArticleThe Laboratory Planet - Alien Capitalism: Xenopolitics of the Anthropocene
The Laboratory Planethttps://laboratoryplanet.org/en/The newspaper “The Laboratory Planet” was created in 2007 at the initiative of Ewen Chardronnet and the group of artists Bureau d’études who assumed...
View ArticleUte Holl - We've all had the experience of watching a film and feeling like...
Ute Holl, Cinema, Trance and Cybernetics, Amsterdam University Press, 2017.We've all had the experience of watching a film and feeling like we've been in a trance. This book takes that experience...
View ArticleDéborah Danowski & Eduardo Viveiros de Castro - offer a bold overview and...
Déborah Danowski and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, The Ends of the World, Polity, 2016.excerptThe end of the world is a seemingly interminable topic; at least, of course, until it happens. Environmental...
View ArticleSozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv - In future there will exist more and...
Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv, Turn Illness into a Weapon, KRRIM, 2002.During the times more remote there existed astrological maps in which the governors of your brain took names like moon...
View ArticleAsaf Schurr eloquently plays on the disquieting relationship between friends...
Asaf Schurr, Motti,Trans. by Todd Hasak-Lowy, Dalkey Archive Press, 2Calling to mind the minimalist novels of Jean-Philippe Toussaint, Motti is at once an exercise in simplicity and a self-conscious...
View ArticleJames Knight - Set in a surreal totalitarian state populated by spies,...
James Knight, Mono, Cipher Books, 2015.read it at Google Booksthebirdking.com/Set in a surreal totalitarian state populated by spies, vampires, robots and chimpanzees, Mono offers the reader a...
View ArticleNaoyuki Ii - A rare work of fiction focused simply on a man of integrity,'The...
Naoyuki Ii, The Shadow of a Blue Cat, Trans. by Wayne P. Lammers, Dalkeyread it at Google BooksBusinessman Yuki Yajima is fifty-one years old. He and his wife, Asako, are the parents of two daughters:...
View ArticleThe Word for World Is Still Forest - we suggest you stray far from paths cut...
The Word for World Is Still Forest, Ed. by Anna-Sophie Springer, K. Verlag, 2017.annasophiespringer.net/"Taking its title from Ursula K. Le Guin’s 1972 novella, The Word for World Is Still Forest...
View ArticleCity Primeval. New York, Berlin, Prague - a personal journey through time in...
City Primeval. New York, Berlin, Prague, curated by Robert Carrithers & Louis Armand, Litteraria Pragensia Books, 2017excerpt 1 + excerpt 2 (by Louis Armand)CITY PRIMEVAL is a constellation of...
View ArticleDrew B. David - This is a work of marginality, of malarkey, as it were. Happy...
Drew B. David, The Toilet Reading Remixes 1, A Wanton Text Production, 2017. read it at Google BooksThis is a work of marginality, of malarkey, as it were. Happy refuse for your darker days. It is,...
View ArticleSheldon Solomon, Jeff Greenberg, and Tom Pyszczynski - Drawing from...
Sheldon Solomon, Jeff Greenberg, and Tom Pyszczynski, The Worm at the Core: On the Role of Death in Life, Random House, 2015.A transformative, fascinating theory—based on robust and groundbreaking...
View ArticleArtur Lundquist - "the hallucinatory memoir of a poet in a coma.". He...
Artur Lundquist, Journeys in Dream and Imagination,Trans. by Ann B. Weissmann and Annika Planck, Four Walls, Eight Windows, 1991.In 1981 the author, a well-known 75 year old Swedish poet, suffered a...
View ArticleWriters Who Love Too Much : New Narrative Writing 1977-1997 - a major...
Writers Who Love Too Much : New Narrative Writing 1977-1997,ed. by Dodie Bellamy and Kevin Killian, Nightboat Books, 2017.In the twenty years that followed America's bicentennial, narrative writing was...
View ArticleOlivia Locher - In Ohio it’s illegal to disrobe in front of a man’s portrait....
Olivia Locher, I Fought the Law, Foreword by Kenneth Goldsmith, Interviewer Eric Shiner,Chronicle Books, 2017.Strange, outdated laws from each of the 50 U.S. states—some overturned, some still on the...
View ArticleRussell Persson - The Narváez expedition continues to be a failed one, of...
Russell Persson, The Way of Florida, Little Island Press, 2017.excerptwww.russellpersson.comRelentless, urgent and above all musical, this expertly crafted début novel recasts the tragic story of the...
View ArticleBrian Willems at how nonsense and sense exist together in science fiction,...
Brian Willems, Speculative Realism and Science Fiction, Edinburgh University Press, 2017.Imagines the end of anthropocentrism through contemporary science fiction and speculative realismA human-centred...
View ArticleJean-Jacques Schuhl - Consisting of memories, mixing real and invented people...
Jean-Jacques Schuhl,Ingrid Caven: A Novel, Trans. by Michael Pye, City Lights Publishers, 2004. A novel about the life of German cabaret singer and film actress Ingrid Caven, who was...
View ArticleHolly Tavel - The 18 stories in this collection offer a kaleidoscopic view of...
Holly Tavel, The Weather in Fritz Bemelmans Park, Equus Press, 2015.hollytavelediting.com/If the past is a foreign country, childhood is a vanished civilization filled with mysterious monuments and...
View ArticleRichard Makin - Owing much to Nouveau Roman particularity and the decadence...
Richard Makin, Work,Great Works, 2003-06.We're not going to forget it, the opening screen: poultry, jack or tin and paper case, ditto section. You have to move in close to read all this, using...
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