Jan Křesadlo - A complex torrent of black humour mixed with rollicking...
Jan Křesadlo, GraveLarks,Trans.by Václav Z J Pinkava,Jantar Publishing, 2016. [1984.]excerptSet in Stalinist-era Central Europe, GraveLarks is a triumphant intellectual thriller navigating the fragile...
View ArticleManuel Pérez Subirana - A moving, tragicomic novel about defeat, memory, and...
Manuel Pérez Subirana, Losing Is What Matters, Trans. by Allen Young, dalkey Archive Press, 2017.When his marriage and career fall apart, a young lawyer sets out on a desperate mission to recapture the...
View ArticleGareth Twose - The poetry parodies political language, marketing spiel, and...
Gareth Twose, Sven Types of Terrorism, Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2017.sample (pdf)In a recent interview in The Paris Review, J H Prynne, commenting on a poetry reading he had just attended, said...
View ArticleJR Carpenter - both a condensation of media history and a comment on the...
JR Carpenter, The Gathering Cloud, Uniform Books, 2017. The Gathering Cloud aims to address the environmental impact of so-called 'cloud' computing by calling attention to the materiality of the...
View ArticleSibylle Lewitscharoff - The novel centres on a fictionalised version of the...
Sibylle Lewitscharoff, Blumenberg, Trans. by Wieland Hoban, Seagull Books, 2017.One night, German philosopher Hans Blumenberg returns to his study to find a shocking sight—a lion lying on the floor as...
View ArticleGunnhild Øyehaug - Cleverly balancing the sensuous, the surreal, and the...
Gunnhild Øyehaug, Knots, Trans. by Kari Dickson, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2017.excerpt (in Bomb magazine)read it at Google BooksA mesmerizing collection of playfully surreal stories from one of...
View ArticleWu He - A brilliant but immensely challenging work, of great interest to...
Wu He, Remains of Life, Trans. by Michael Berry, Columbia University Press, 2017. read it at Google BooksOn October 27, 1930, during a sports meet at Musha Elementary School on an...
View ArticleDylan Krieger - Heady sound-based unabashed blasphemy. Kick in the dick,...
Dylan Krieger, Giving Godhead, Delete Press, 2017.“If a girl, a virus, a horned animal, milkweed, an exchange of cash for dirty looks, the near-rhyme of greed to death, the names of all brutes, and a...
View ArticleLeón Ferrari conceived a dialogue among supposed voices of authority,...
León Ferrari, The Words of Others, Trans. by Antena (Jen Hofer with Tupac Cruz and Román Luján), X Artist's Books, 2017.The Words of Others (Palabras ajenas) is the first full English translation of...
View ArticleElvira Navarro - With her penchant for finding the freakish side of the...
Elvira Navarro, A Working Woman, Trans. by Christina MacSweeney,Two Lines Press, 2017.Globally acclaimed as a meticulous explorer of the psyche’s most obscure alleyways, Elvira Navarro here delivers an...
View ArticleRios de la Luz - It grabs you and pulls you into her universe, one that is...
Rios de la Luz, The Pulse between Dimensions and the Desert, Broken River Books, 2015.riosdelaluz.wordpress.com/ Ear to the Ground by Rios de la Luz “Rios de la Luz’s writing blows...
View ArticleKeith Waldrop - One of the unheralded masterpieces of twentieth-century...
Keith Waldrop, Light While There Is Light: An American History, Dalkey Archive, 2013. [1993.]One of the unheralded masterpieces of twentieth-century American fiction, LightWhile There Is Light is...
View ArticleAnouck Durand - A timely book about dictatorships, propaganda and friendship....
Anouck Durand, Eternal Friendship, Trans. by Elizabeth Zuba with an introduction by Eliot Weinberger, Siglio Press, 2017.Winner of the French Voices Award for excellence in publishing and...
View ArticleLiliana Colanzi - Horror and the fantastic mark the unstable realism of Our...
Liliana Colanzi, Our Dead World, Dalkey Archive Press, Trans. by Jessica Sequiera, 2017.A young woman suffers a mental breakdown because of her repressive and religious mother. A group of children is...
View ArticleIliazd - rapturously narrated parable mythologizing the life of the Russian...
Iliazd, Rapture: A Novel, Trans. by Thomas J. Kitson, Columbia University Press; Tra edition (May 16, 2017)The draft dodger Laurence yearns to take control of his destiny. Having fled to the highlands,...
View ArticleRachel Levy - 'A Book So Red'’s linguistic singularities, formal...
Rachel Levy, A Book So Red, Caketrain 2015.Read a 34-page excerpt (PDF)excerpt“A Book So Red’s linguistic singularities, formal contractions, and world comprised of the existential non-sequitur...
View ArticleKazufumi Shiraishi - Each and every one of us is something like a cancer cell.
Kazufumi Shiraishi, The Part of Me That Isn’t Broken Inside, Trans. by Raj Mahtani, Dalkey Archive Press, 2017.Naoto Matsubara works in a Tokyo publishing house, though the work doesn’t particularly...
View ArticleDomício Coutinho comically explores Nova Eboracense, Brazilian New York, with...
Domício Coutinho, Duke, the Dog Priest, Trans. by Clifford E. Landers, Green Integer, 2009.excerptBorn in Brazil, novelist Domício Coutinho immigrated to the United States in 1959. His first novel,...
View ArticleSerafinski - an excellent example of taking anarcho-nihilism seriously, as a...
Serafinski, Blessed is the Flame: An Introduction to Concentration Camp Resistance and Anarcho-Nihilism read it hereThis book, with a name from a poem by a partisan fighter, takes...
View ArticleRodrigo Hasbún - the story of the eccentric, fascinating Ertl clan, headed by...
Rodrigo Hasbún, Affections, Trans. by Sophie Hughes, Pushkin Press, 2016.excerpt'He is not a good writer, thank goodness. He is a great one' - Jonathan Safran FoerA gripping novel about an unusual...
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