Laura Ellen Joyce considers the ongoing brutality of the femicides in Ciudad...
Laura Ellen Joyce, The Luminol Reels, Calamari Press, 2014.excerpt& interview in The CollagistWhen human blood reacts with luminol, it lights up a ghostly blue. This reaction, most commonly used to...
View ArticleHito Steyerl - Twisting the politics of representation around the...
Hito Steyerl, The Wretched of the Screen, Sternberg Press, 2012. download (pdf)In Hito Steyerl’s writing we begin to see how, even if the hopes and desires for coherent collective political projects...
View ArticleMark von Schlegell invented his peculiar brand of ficto-criticism and...
Mark von Schlegell, Ickles, Etc., Sternberg Press, 2014.Edited by Nikolaus Hirsch, Markus MiessenFeaturing artwork by Louise LawlerWebsite: Facebook: Facebook...
View ArticlePhilippe Soupault - A haunting depiction of a world in which the characters...
Philippe Soupault, Last Nights of Paris.Translated by William Carlos Williams, Exact Change; Reprint edition, 2008. [1928.]Written in 1928 by one of the founders of the Surrealist movement, and...
View ArticleSpencer Madsen - His writing helps clarify our complicated and subjective...
Spencer Madsen, You Can Make Anything Sad, Publishing Genius Press, 2014.“When I read Spencer Madsen’s poetry, I not only feel awe because he’s so good, one of the best, but I also think about how...
View ArticlePierre Senges - The playful premise of the novel is the belief that...
Pierre Senges, Fragments of Lichtenberg, Dalkey Archive Press, 2014. In just over half a century, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742--1799) had the time to be all of the following: a hunchback; a...
View ArticleLeopoldo Marechal - "a key novel of Argentinian literature." A modernist...
Leopoldo Marechal, Adam Buenosayres, Trans. by Norman Cheadle, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2014. [1948.]A modernist urban novel in the tradition of James Joyce, Adam Buenosayres is a tour-de-force...
View ArticleThe Nightwatches of Bonaventura - Fans of upscale horror, postmodern...
Bonaventura, The Nightwatches of Bonaventura, Trans. by Gerald Gillespie, University Of Chicago Press, 2014. [1804.]First published in German in 1804, under the nom de plume “Bonaventura,” The...
View ArticleYaakov Shabtai - a brilliant tour de force, a Joycean panorama of the lives...
Yaakov Shabtai, Past Continuous, Trans. by Dalya Bilu.Overlook TP, 2002.Past Continuous is a brilliant tour de force, a Joycean panorama of the lives of three men, their families, their lovers, and...
View ArticleCaspar Henderson offers readers a fascinating, beautifully produced...
Caspar Henderson, The Book of Barely Imagined Beings: A 21st Century Bestiary, University Of Chicago Press, medieval bestiaries to Borges’s Book of Imaginary...
View ArticleJona Oberski who was transported to Bergen-Belsen as a young boy, recreates...
Jona Oberski, A Childhood, Trans. by Ralph Manheim. Pushkin Press, 2014.A small boy grows up in Amsterdam, making sand pies, playing with his favourite jumping jack toy, visiting his father's office as...
View ArticleMalcolm Braly - This novel about prison life is replete with stunning...
Malcolm Braly, On the Yard , NYRB Classics, 2002.A major American novel, and arguably the finest work of literature ever to emerge from a US prison, On the Yard is a book of penetrating psychological...
View ArticleNguyen Du - The most significant work of Vietnamese literature. The poem...
Nguyen Du, The Tale of Kiêu: A bilingual edition of Nguyen Du`s Truyên Kiêu. Yale University Press, Tale of Kieu is an epic poem in Vietnamese written...
View ArticleAndrés Caicedo - The protagonist, María del Carmen Huerta, might be described...
Andrés Caicedo, Liveforever, Trans. by Frank Wynne. Penguin Classics, 2014.Andrés Caicedo's novel Liveforever is a wild celebration of youth, hedonism and the transforming power of music.María del...
View ArticleRosario Castellanos - A masterpiece of contemporary Latin American fiction...
Rosario Castellanos,The Book of Lamentations, Trans. by Esther Allen, Penguin Classics, 1998.A masterpiece of contemporary Latin American fiction, Rosario Castellanos' Book of Lamentations tells of an...
View ArticleJohn Darnielle - As the creator of Trace Italian—a text-based, role-playing...
John Darnielle, Wolf in White Van, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014.excerptWelcome to Trace Italian, a game of strategy and survival! You may now make your first move. Isolated by a disfiguring injury...
View ArticleFeliz Lucia Molina, Ben Segal and Brett Zehner - an epistolary novel written...
Feliz Lucia Molina, Ben Segal and Brett Zehner, The Wes Letters, Outpost 19, 2014.excerpts THE WES LETTERS is an epistolary novel written from three friends to the elusive Wes Anderson. The story...
View ArticleMiklós Mészöly - a major Hungarian ‘godfather’. At play here are questions of...
Miklós Mészöly, Death of an Athlete. Trans. by Tim Wilkinson. Liverpool: Bluecoat Press, 2012.Miklós Mészöly (1921-2001) influenced just about all major authors writing in Hungarian today. For all...
View ArticleNaja Marie Aidt's stories have a feel all their own. Though they are built...
Naja Marie Aidt, Baboon, Trans. by Denise Newman, Two Lines Press, 2014.excerpt: ConferenceExcerpt in World Literature Today/ in the middle of crisis, then...
View ArticleSimon Critchley - a brilliant one-of-a-kind mind-game occupying a strange...
Simon Critchley, Memory Theatre, Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2014.A French philosopher dies during a savage summer heat wave. Boxes carrying his unpublished miscellany mysteriously appear in Simon...
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