Doug Rickard - While on first glance the work looks reassuringly familiar and...
Doug Rickard, A New American Picture, Aperture, Rickard’s A New American Picture offers a startling and fresh perspective on American street photography. While on first...
View Articled. a. levy - As poet, artist and publisher, Levy was an important literary... Poems by D A Levyd. a. levy, The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle: The Art and Poetry of d. a. levy. Seven Stories Press, 1999.The Buddhist...
View ArticleKenneth White - 'geopoetics,' a theory that attempts to get back into the...
Kenneth White, The Wanderer and His Charts. Polygon An Imprint of Birlinn Limited, 2004.Following on from On Scottish Ground, this book moves further into White's mental cartography. A first part, 'The...
View ArticleDarran Anderson - I had left my camera behind in London and I thought I'd...
Darran Anderson,A Hubristic Flea, Galley Beggar Press , Hubristic Flea consists of an excerpt of the diary Darran Anderson kept...
View ArticleThomas McMahon - Ira, who is refining his latest invention, a prosthetic...
Thomas McMahon, Ira Foxglove, Brook St Press, 2004.excerpt A posthumous novel by a writer who has been compared to Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Kurt Vonnegut, IRA FOXGLOVE is a tale of the heart –...
View ArticleDouglas Woolf created some of the most startlingly original works of the...
Douglas Woolf, Ya! & John-Juan, Harper & Row, 1971. Well-respected throughout his career, Douglas Woolf created some of the most startlingly original works of the twentieth century. The two...
View ArticleZsigmond Móricz - Hungary's greatest modern novelist. The novel is brimming...
Zsigmond Móricz, Be Faithful Unto Death. CEU Press, 1995. [1921.]Written by Hungary's greatest modern novelist, Be Faithful Unto Death is the moving story of a bright and sensitive schoolboy growing up...
View ArticleTrue Detection - Traditionally, the detective genre deals with the problem of...
True Detection. Edited by Edia Connoile, Paul J. Ennis and Nicola Masciandaro. Schism Press, 2014.A collection of philosophical and critical essays on the television series True...
View ArticlePaco Ignacio Taibo II and Subcomandante Marcos provide alternating chapters...
Paco Ignacio Taibo II and Subcomandante Marcos, The Uncomfortable Dead: A Novel of Four Hands. Akashic Books; Reissue edition, 2010.In alternating chapters, Zapatista leader Subcomandante Marcos and...
View ArticleMarcos Giralt Torrente - The stories offer a language of how distance...
Marcos Giralt Torrente, Paris. Trans. by Margaret Jull Costa. Hispabooks. 2014.Paris depicts a man’s journey through the labyrinth of his memories, a search for his origins that will uncover an old...
View ArticleDark Trajectories: Politics of the Outside + Dark Nights of the Universe - a...
Dark Trajectories: Politics of the Outside. Ed. by Joshua Johnson. [NAME] Publications, 2013. texts by: Levi Bryant, Gean Moreno, Reza Negarestani, Benjamin Noys, Nick Snircek, Christian Thorne, Alex...
View ArticleJuan Tomás Ávila Laurel recounts the narrator’s childhood on a remote island...
Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel, ByNight the Mountain Burns. Trans. by Jethro Soutar. And Other Stories, 2014. excerptBy Night The Mountain Burns recounts the narrator’s childhood on a...
View ArticleFrankétienne - These pages are poetic, written in the style of the Total...
Frankétienne, Ready to Burst, Trans by Kaiama L. Glover, Archipelago Books, 2014.Ready to Burst tells the tale of a young man’s efforts to navigate the challenges of a deeply troubled society. The...
View ArticleTimothy Donnelly's recent poems seem freshly torn between a love of those...
Timothy Donnelly, The Cloud Corporation, Wave Books, 2010.excerpt"The poems of Timothy Donnelly astonish by their inventive intelligence . . . we learn that self-knowledge can be adequate to knowledge...
View ArticleRodrigo de Souza Leão - an extraordinary autobiographical fiction that speaks...
Rodrigo de Souza Leão, All Dogs Are Blue, Trans. by Zoë Perry and Stefan Tobler.And Other Stories, 2013.excerptAll Dogs are Blue is a fiery and scurrilously funny tale of life in a Rio de Janeiro...
View ArticleGilad Elbom - a fast and furious, metafictional novel saturated with...
Gilad Elbom, Scream Queens of the Dead Sea, Four Walls, Eight Windows, 2004.A young graduate of the Israeli army decides to moonlight as an assistant nurse at a mental hospital in Jerusalem and soon...
View ArticleJasbir Puar - configurations of sexuality, race, gender, nation, class, and...
Jasbir Puar,Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times, Duke University Press Books, 2007.Read it at Google BooksHomonationalism Gone Viral: Discipline, Control, and the Affective Politics...
View ArticleJacob Wren - from people who wear furry mascot costumes at all times, to a...
Jacob Wren, Polyamorous Love Song, BookThug, 2014.www.radicalcut.blogspot.comjacobwren.tumblr.coman excerptFrom interdisciplinary writer and performer Jacob Wren comes Polyamorous Love Song, a novel of...
View ArticleMario Santiago Papsquiaro - Built from the collision of 'low' and 'high'...
Mario Santiago Papsquiaro, Advice from 1 Disciple of Marx to 1 Heidegger Fanatic. Trans. by Cole Heinowitz. Wave Books, it at Google BooksAmerican readers might recognize Mario Santiago...
View ArticleTomás Rivera - A compilation of stories, internal monologues, vignettes, and...
Tomás Rivera, ...y no se lo tragó la tierra / ...And the Earth Did Not Devour Him (English and Spanish Edition), Arte Publico Press, 1995. [1971.]read it at Google BooksTomás Rivera's original...
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