Manuel Abreu Adorno - In this, his quintessential first book comprised of...
Manuel Abreu Adorno, And the Hippies Came. Trans. by Rafael Franco Steeves. 7Vientos, 2012.Written by Manuel Abreu Adorno and originally published in 1978, And the Hippies Came / Llegaron los hippies...
View ArticleRey Andújar - During your travels you will experience the excitement and...
Rey Andújar, Saturnalia / Saturnario. Trans. by Kolin Jordan. 7Vientos Press, 2013.7V strives to connect with you as friends who enjoy alternative ways of thinking and perceiving daily life. Rey...
View ArticleTacita Dean - Just as lines can connect up different points, the artist...
Tacita Dean, Selected Writings 1992-2011, Steidl, 2012.Seven Books Grey is an updated, expanded version of Tacita Dean’s Seven Books (2003), and is an exploration of Dean’s oeuvre as it straddles film,...
View ArticleKirsty Gunn has taken the essential elements of the Highland bagpipe...
Kirsty Gunn, The Big Music, Faber and Faber, Big Music tells the story of John Sutherland of 'The Grey House', who is dying and creating in the last days of his life a...
View ArticlePaul Emond’s characters tirelessly disgorge their stories, which they invent...
Paul Emond, The Dance of a Sham. Trans. by Marlon Jones. Dalkey Archive Press, 2014. The narrator of this novel begins by introducing himself not as a speaker but a listener, spellbound by his friend...
View ArticleKjell Askildsen - This is an Askildsen character: injured enough to be stuck...
Kjell Askildsen, Selected Stories. Trans. by Sean Kinsella. Dalkey Archive Press, 2014.A Great Deserted LandscapeElisabeth A man and a woman in an isolated house, surrounded by nothing, or nearly...
View ArticleMaria Soudaïeva has invented here a verbal guerrilla interweaving names,...
Maria Soudaïeva, Slogans, Ed. de l'Olivier, 2004. Maria Soudaïeva has invented here a verbal guerrilla interweaving names, foreign words, numbers and locations, playing on imperatives and ellipsis,...
View ArticleAlan Burns - The narrative is enveloped in ambiguity--the setting is vague...
Alan Burns, Babel. Marion Boyars, 1967.Babel is a completely original treatment of our contemporary confusion of tongues, characterised by extreme contrasts of mood and style with startling, often...
View ArticleRamón Gómez de la Serna - a central figure in the European and Latin American...
Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Eight Novellas. trans. by Herlinda Charpentier Saitz and Robert L. Saitz. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, it at Google...
View ArticleArménio Vieira - The author explains in a note that he wanted to give the...
Arménio Vieira, No Inferno.Arménio Vieira (b. 1941) was born in Praia and is a Cape Verdean journalist, poet and novelist. He belongs to a generation of Cape Verdean writers who rose to maturity during...
View ArticleJoão Guimarães Rosa - One of the two towering figures of post-War Brazilian...
João Guimarães Rosa, Grande Sertão: Veredas / The Devil to Pay in the Backlands. Trans. by James L. Taylor and Harriet de Onís. Knopf, 1963. [1956.]excerptDon’t let the cats fool you, João Guimarães...
View ArticleNaja Marie Aidt - 15 short stories about modern life and all of its...
Naja Marie Aidt, Baboon, Trans. by Denise Newman, Two Lines Press, in the middle of crisis, then accelerating through plots that grow stranger by the...
View ArticleSpain's Great Untranslated - Exploring scenes ranging from the devastating...
Spain's Great Untranslated. Ed. by Javier Aparicio, Aurelio Major, and Mercedes Monmany. Words without Borders, 2013. Spain's Great Untranslated presents twelve contemporary Spanish masters whose...
View ArticleClarissa Sligh - an artist’s book created to interrupt the authority of old...
Clarissa Sligh, Reading Dick & Jane with Me. 1989. Dick & Jane with Me (1989), is an artist’s book created to interrupt the authority of old elementary...
View ArticleStig Sæterbakken - I believe disharmony and asymmetry correspond to a...
Stig Sæterbakken, Through the Night, Trans. by Seán Kinsella. 2013.Virginia Woolf once compared reading Tolstoy to being set atop a mountain with a telescope. Reading Stig Sæterbakken, the Norwegian...
View ArticleSrikanth Reddy probes this world’s cosmological relation to the plurality of...
Srikanth Reddy, Voyager. University of California Press, 2011.Srikanth Reddy’s second book of poetry probes this world’s cosmological relation to the plurality of all possible worlds. Drawing its name...
View ArticleJohn Toomey - something of a sprawling segue into Dublin as it’s then to be...
John Toomey, Huddleston Road. Dalkey Archive Press, excerpt In circumstances all too familiar for many of us, Vic meets and falls in love with Lali, only to discover that...
View ArticleMario Bellatin - one of the most engaging, mysterious, disturbing, and...
Mario Bellatin, Shiki Nagaoka: A Nose for Fiction. Trans. by David Shook. Phoneme Books, 2013.Read excerpts at Two Lines Onlineand World Literature Today, Mario Bellatin, the leading experimental...
View ArticleSergio González Rodríguez - In Ciudad Juarez, a territorial power normalized...
Sergio González Rodríguez, The Femicide Machine. Trans. by Michael Parker-Stainback. Semiotext(e), it at Google BooksIn Ciudad Juarez, a territorial power normalized barbarism. This anomalous...
View ArticleCaryl Pagel - Abandoned Eyelet, Absenting Fact, Absolute New Bus Stop....
Caryl Pagel, Experiments I Should Like Tried At My Own Death, Factory Hollow Press, 2012.excerpt: "Jacket" @ Verse Dailyexcerpts: two poems @ notnostrumsexcerpts: eight poems @ Octopus MagazineCaryl...
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