Nick Bantock - A beautiful, mysterious story drawn out in real letters and...
Nick Bantock, Griffin & Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence, Chronicle Books, It's good to get in touch with you at last. Could I have one of your fish...
View ArticleCarina Finn explores the contemporary zeitgeist through the lyricism of...
Carina Finn, Lemonworld & Other Poems, Co.Im.Press, Finn's debut collection LEMONWORLD & OTHER POEMS explores the contemporary zeitgeist through the...
View ArticleAndrew Lanyon - a tour-de-force that is at once Gothic narrative,...
Andrew Lanyon, Circular Walks Around Rowley Hall, Atlas Press, Walks is a sort-of-novel that recounts the curious history of three characters: Vera, Mervyn and Walter...
View ArticleMarcel Duchamp, Henri-Pierre Roché, Beatrice Wood - the story of the...
Marcel Duchamp, Henri-Pierre Roché, Beatrice Wood, 3 New York Dadas and the Blind Man, Atlas Press, 2013.The main text here is the first English translation of Roché’s “novel” Victor, an account of...
View ArticleDada Culture: Critical Texts on the Avant-Garde - How Dada is to break its...
Dada Culture: Critical Texts on the Avant-Garde. Dafydd Jones, ed. Editions Rodopi BV, 2006. read it at Google Books How Dada is to break its cultural accommodation and containment today necessitates...
View ArticleMichel de Ghelderode is the creator of a fantastic and disturbing, often...
Michel de Ghelderode, Ghelderode: 3 Plays, The Siege of Ostend, The Actor Makes His Exit and Transfiguration in the Circus. Trans. by David Willinger.Host Publications, 2006.Michel de Ghelderode...
View ArticleKane X. Faucher - Grey dreams, grey hopes, and a grey future emerges out of...
Kane X. Faucher, The Infinite Grey, Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2013. A mysterious grey dust continues to settle everywhere. Grey bureaucratic rulers and reformers...
View ArticleDark Trajectories: Politics of the Outside - opening to the outside entails...
Dark Trajectories: Politics of the Outside. edited by Joshua Johnson. [NAME] Publications, 2013texts by: Levi Bryant, Gean Moreno, Reza Negarestani, Benjamin Noys, Nick Snircek, Christian Thorne, Alex...
View ArticleSusan Woodring - The unexpected shifts in the narrative, each time bringing...
Susan Woodring, We Hate to Lose You, Mr. Lowsly, The Cupboard, 2013.Read an of The Cupboard’s 2013 Contest. A story of disappearance, reincarnation, and living at...
View ArticleJean Ferry - a collection of short prose narratives that offer a blend of...
Jean Ferry. The Conductor and Other Tales, Illustrations by Claude Ballaré. Trans. by Edward Gauvin. Wakefield Press, 2013. First published in French in 1950 in a limited edition of 100 copies, then...
View ArticleEugène Savitzkaya - Tabacchino was a child. Tabacchino was a dormouse....
Eugène Savitzkaya, Rules of Solitude, Quale Press, an excerpt at Google Books“Radiant as the helix, perishable as the potato,” the prose poems in Rules of Solitude require you to read slowly...
View ArticleAntoine Renard - Based on his interest in altered states of reality,...
Antoine Renard, Oh Rats! It's Deceiving!, Broken Dimanche Press, 2013.Following from his research on consumption cycles and cognitive representation, and based on a long interest in narcotics and...
View ArticleMorton Feldman - What was great about the fifties is that for one brief...
Morton Feldman, Give My Regards to Eighth Street: Collected Writings, Exact Change, “What was great about the fifties is that for one brief moment — maybe, say, six weeks — nobody understood art....
View ArticleJeremias Gotthelf - The Black Spider can be seen as a parable of evil in the...
Jeremias Gotthelf, The Black Spider, Trans. by Susan Bernofsky. new York Review of Books, 2013. [1842.] It is a sunny summer Sunday in a remote Swiss village, and a christening is being celebrated at a...
View ArticleEduardo Kohn challenges the very foundations of anthropology, calling into...
Eduardo Kohn, How Forests Think, University of California Press, 2013.Can forests think? Do dogs dream? In this astonishing book, Eduardo Kohn challenges the very foundations of anthropology, calling...
View ArticleLászló Krasznahorkai - A torrent of hypnotic, lyrical prose, Krasznahorkai's...
László Krasznahorkai, Seiobo There Below, Trans. by Ottilie Muzlet, New Directions, 2013.excerpt 1excerpt 2read it Google BooksBeauty, in László Krasznahorkai’s new novel, reflects, however fleeting,...
View ArticleLouis-Auguste Blanqui - Elliptical cosmic work: every chain of events is...
Louis-Auguste Blanqui, Eternity by the Stars, Trns. by Frank Chouraqui, Contra Mundum Press, 2013. [1872.]sampleIn a century replete with radical politics, final liberations, historical codas, and...
View ArticleMark Jacobson - One of the preeminent, and funniest novels of the...
Mark Jacobson, Gojiro, Grove Press, 1997read it at Google BooksGojiro is a triumph of storytelling that firmly established itself as one of the preeminent -- and funniest -- novels of the post-nuclear...
View ArticleViolette Leduc - An obsessive and revealing self-portrait of a remarkable...
Violette Leduc, La Bâtarde. Trans. Derek Coltman. Dalkey Archive Press, 2003. [1964.]An obsessive and revealing self-portrait of a remarkable woman humiliated by the circumstances of her birth and by...
View ArticleMarkus Werner - a Chaplinesque comedy of disintegration, never knowing if...
Markus Werner, Zündel’s Exit. Trans. by Michael Hofmann, Dalkey Archive Press, 2013.Scrounged from his notebooks and hearsay, this is the story of a schoolteacher named Konrad Zündel: a philosopher, a...
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