Richard Brickner - there are few novels that enter so penetratingly into the...
Richard Brickner, After She Left, Henry Holt and Company, 1988.Emily Weil, daughter of a prosperous Park Avenue family, tries to find her way in the adult world and face the challenges of raising her...
View ArticleAloysius Bertrand - a strange set of prose poems exploring the psychological...
Aloysius Bertrand, Gaspard de la Nuit, adapted by Donald Sidney-Fryer, Black Coat Press, 2004. [1842.]Gaspard de la Nuit (originally published in 1842) combines the haunting Gothic imagery of ETA...
View ArticleStanisława Przybyszewskais recognized as a major twentieth-century playwright...
Stanisława Przybyszewska, The Danton Case; Thermidor: Two Plays, Trans. byBolesław Taborski, Northwestern University Press, 1989. read it at Google BooksStanislawa Przybyszewski is recognized as a...
View ArticleHelmut Heißenbüttel - Non-literary everyday usage, newspaper reports, the...
Helmut Heißenbüttel, Texts, Ts. by Michael Hamburger, M. Boyars, 1977.German writers after 1945 had more reason than most to reflect on the corruptibility of language and the merits of silence.Many...
View ArticleZalman Shnéour utilizes the influences of Dostoyevsky and Schopenhauer to...
Zalman Shnéour, A Death: Notes of a Suicide, Trans. By Daniel Kennedy, Wakefield Press, 2019.In a Yiddish take on Notes from Underground, a dark love affair develops in an unnamed Eastern European city...
View ArticleSigbjørn Obstfelder is usually credited as one of the earliest examples of...
Sigbjørn Obstfelder, Priest's Diary, Trans. by James McFarlane, Norvik Press, 1987. The spirit of the 1890s found its most uniquely characteristic expression in the work of this poet. Generally...
View ArticleAlice Koller packed her belongings and a dog named Logos into her car and set...
Alice Koller, An Unknown Woman,Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981."I walk: desk to couch, couch to table, table to fireside chair, chair to stove, stove to refrigerator, and...
View ArticlePeter Wächtler - Passivity and contemplation characterize the narrators of...
Peter Wächtler, Come On, Ed. by John Kelsey, Jakob Schillinger, Sternberg Press, 2013.Passivity and contemplation characterize the narrators of Peter Wächtler’s stories. Some speak from the vantage...
View ArticleBenjamin Seror is a French artist and novelist who writes in front of an...
Benjamin Seror, Mime Radio, Sternberg Press,2015.Mime Radio was performed and written orally by French artist Benjamin Seror at a series of events over a two-year period, then transcribed and edited...
View ArticleGerry Bibby - Evoking W. Burroughs’s The Wild Boys and R. Walser’s The Walk,...
Gerry Bibby, The Drumhead, Sternberg Press,2014.Artist Gerry Bibby’s first publication is a work of fiction that expands on the use of text in his sculpture, performance, and image work. Evoking...
View ArticleBruno Lloret - This world is a desert of crosses,' she remembers her father...
Bruno Lloret, Nancy, Trans. by Ellen Jones, Giramondo, 2020.excerpt'One of the most original books of the year' - Natalia Barbelagua,Revista IntemperieIn a small city perched between the Pacific Ocean...
View ArticleAlistair Ian Blyth - a series of dreamlike narratives loosely linked by the...
Alistair Ian Blyth, Card Catalogue, Dalkey Archive Press, 2020. Ian Blyth's Card Catalogue is a book about books. Set in Bucharest in the decade after the...
View ArticleLudovic Bruckstein - Despite engaging with darkest of times — the Second...
Ludovic Bruckstein, The Trap, Trans. by Alistair Ian Blythe, Istros Books, 2019.Bruckstein's two novellas, published for the first time in English, offer a fascinating depiction of rural life in the...
View ArticleL. D. Janakos - Eccentric physicist Brancusi hires Joana, exploring her...
L. D. Janakos, Plato's Screw, Wild Ocean Press; 2nd ed., 2013. anti-novel built on frames, chapters and an...
View ArticleShola von Reinhold - From champagne theft and Black Modernisms, to art...
Shola von Reinhold, Lote, Jacaranda, 2020.A literary novel which follows present-day narrator Mathilda's fixation with the forgotten black Scottish modernist poet, Hermia Drumm, LOTE is an exploration...
View ArticleRobert M. Coates composed the book like a collage, employing an experimental...
Robert M. Coates, Yesterday's Burdens, 1933. Originally published in 1933 by The Macaulay Company, Yesterday's Burdens is the second novel by Robert M. Coates, "Lost Generation" writer and long-time...
View ArticleJulian L. Shapiro - the sort of thing that has to come after Joyce, Stein and...
Julian L. Shapiro, The Water Wheel, Tough Poets Press, 2020.[1933.] First-ever new edition of The Water Wheel, the 1933 semi-autobiographical debut novel by Julian L. Shapiro, who later achieved cult...
View ArticleEdmondo De Amicis - - In this comic masterpiece timid little Mr Celzani is...
Edmondo De Amicis, Love and Gymnastics, Trans. by David Chapman, Hesperus Press, 2011. [1892.] ‘Great God, how beautiful she was! He had never seen her looking so well as she had that evening, sitting...
View ArticleFlann O’Brien: Gallows humour - 16 great chapters on O'Brien, biopolitics and...
Flann O’Brien: Gallows Humour, Ed. by Ruben Borg and Paul Fagan, Cork University Press, 2020.The essays collected in this volume draw unprecedented critical attention to the centrality of politics in...
View ArticleFuturity Report - theorists, historians, and artists address the precarious...
Futurity Report, Sternberg Press, 2020.Theorists, historians, and artists address the precarious futurity of the notion of the future.Not long ago, a melancholic left and a manic neoliberalism seemed...
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