Jean-Baptiste Del Amo - Brutal, violent, raw, harrowing. Here, the smell of...
Jean-Baptiste Del Amo, Animalia, Trans. by Frank Wynne, Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2019.excerptAnimalia retraces the history of a modest peasant family through the twentieth century as they develop their...
View ArticleAurora Cáceres - the most influential modernista prose work penned by a...
Aurora Cáceres, A Dead Rose, Trans. by Laura Kanost, Stockcero, 2018. [1914.] Unfairly forgotten Peruvian feminist writer Aurora Cáceres(1877-1958) has gained a new wave of readers in the...
View ArticleSimon Roy - At once obsessive, dark, philosophical, academic, and touching,...
Simon Roy, Kubrick Red, Trans. by Jacob Homel, Anvil Press, 2016.Winner of a silver IPPY. Stanley Kubrick's film The Shining was released in 1980 and has been fascinating viewers ever since. It is a...
View ArticleMelissa Bull - Dark like Duras, flippant comme Sagan, with elements of the...
Melissa Bull, The Knockoff Eclipse, Anvil Press, 2018.Melissa Bull’s debut short story collection The Knockoff Eclipse hums with the immediacy of distant and future worlds. Firmly rooted in the streets...
View ArticleAssmann - An anti-novel of radical DiSiLlusionment in the End Times
Assmann, THE MARTIAN LSD EXPERIMENTS, Alienist Manifesto, THE MARTIAN LSD EXPERIMENTS, by ASSMANN (2019) (full PDF)Cydonia – Mars Colony – the present.A psychocivilisational experiment...
View ArticleMike Corrao - You are holding a living organism. Gut Text feels fear, pain,...
Mike Corrao, Gut Text, 11:11 Press, 2019.download are holding a living organism. Gut Text feels fear, pain, and desire. Within, you will...
View ArticleArcades Materials - writing or visual responses to The Arcades Project that...
Arcades Materials, Ed. by Sam Dolbear and Hannah Proctor,2019.In 1927 Walter Benjamin began taking notes for an essay entitled “Paris Arcades: A Dialectical Fairyland”. Soon the material became...
View ArticleMaría Gainza - The narrator of Optic Nerve is an Argentinian woman whose...
María Gainza, Optic Nerve,T Trans. by Thomas Bunstead, Catapult, 2019.The narrator of Optic Nerve is an Argentinian woman whose obsession is art. The story of her life is the story of the paintings,...
View ArticleMariana Dimópulos - A marvelously interior novel, unique in its perceptions,...
Mariana Dimópulos, All My Goodbyes, Trans. by Alice Whitmore, Giramondo, 2017.“All My Goodbyes is a virtuoso performance. A love story told in razor sharp fragments, the novel lies at the intersection...
View ArticlePamela E. Klassen - At the dawn of the radio age in the 1920s, Frederick Du...
Pamela E. Klassen, The Story of Radio Mind: A Missionary’s Journey on Indigenous Land, University of Chicago Press, it at Google BooksAt the dawn of the radio age in the 1920s, a...
View ArticleFrancesca Rochberg is the first scholar to make a case for how exactly we can...
Francesca Rochberg, Before Nature: Cuneiform Knowledge and the History of Science, University of Chicago Press, it at Google BooksIn the modern West, we take for granted that what we call the...
View ArticleAnna-Croissant Rust - a cycle of seventeen stories in which mortality is very...
Anna-Croissant Rust, Death, Trans. by James J. Conway, Rixdorf Editions, 2018. [1914.]excerptTo the fretful mother of a sick child it comes in the form of the long-awaited doctor. To a feeble old man...
View ArticleJeremy Cooper - Ostensibly a nature diary, chronicling the narrator’s...
Jeremy Cooper, Ash before Oak, Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2019.Ash before Oak is a novel in the form of a fictional journal written by a solitary man on a secluded Somerset estate. Ostensibly a nature...
View ArticleAaron Kent - an experimental-verse-novella, inspired by the works of Mark Z...
Aaron Kent, Subsequent Death, zimZalla, 2018.Click here for a sample.Subsequent death is an experimental-verse-novella, inspired by the woks of Mark Z Danielewski, Luke Kennard, and Max Porter. It is...
View ArticleSophie Lewis - Rather than making surrogacy illegal or allowing it to...
Sophie Lewis, Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family, Verso, 2019.excerptIn order to become ethically acceptable, surrogacy must change beyond recognition. But we need more surrogacy, not less!The...
View ArticleChris Campanioni - Sifting through—and re-writing—the films of Godard, the...
Chris Campanioni, The Internet is for Real, C&R Press, 2019.www.chriscampanioni.comThe Internet is for real inverts the autobiography in the age of dis-integration, calling into question all...
View ArticleA. J. Lees - Yes, do read this book to discover how William S. Burroughs...
A. J. Lees, Mentored by a Madman: The William Burroughs Experiment,Notting Hill Editions, 2019.A fascinating account by a leading neurologist revealing his self-experimentation to find treatments for...
View ArticleAzimuth, the Ecology of an Ear - fifteen attempts to locate and rend the...
Azimuth, the Ecology of an Ear, edited and curated by Patrick Farmer, Sonic Art Research Unit, 2019.Azimuth, the ecology of an ear, is a new book by Patrick Farmer in collaboration with twenty three...
View ArticleJosé María Arguedas - one of the few Latin American authors who loved and...
José María Arguedas, Deep Rivers, Trans. by Frances Horning Barraclough, Waveland Press, it at Google BooksJosé María Arguedas is one of the few Latin American authors who loved and described...
View ArticlePadraic Colum - A serenity prevails throughout this novel. Perhaps it is a...
Padraic Colum, The Flying Swans, Crown Publishers, 1957.A serenity prevails throughout this novel. Perhaps it is a serenity inherent in the life of a humble Irish village combined with the sensitivity,...
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