DMT Dialogues - presentations and discussions on DMT entities, the pineal...
DMT Dialogues : Encounters with the Spirit Molecule, ed. by David Luke and Rory Spowers, Inner Traditions Bear and Company, 2018.Cutting-edge explorations and discussions of DMT experiences and plant...
View ArticleWolfgang Hilbig - a master of using obsessive, hypnotic prose to explore the...
Wolfgang Hilbig, Old Rendering Plant, Trans. by Isabel Fargo Cole, Two Lines Press, 2017. What falsehoods do we believe as children? And what happens when we realize they are...
View ArticleJóanes Nielsen - Referred to as the "Faroese Moby-Dick" for its scope,...
Jóanes Nielsen, The Brahmadells, Trans. by Kerri A. Pierce, Open Letter, 2017.Read an Excerpt"Captivating and wild. . . . There is a vast, oceanic narrative power in Jóanes Nielsen's Faroese chronicle...
View ArticleA Quantum City - We follow the fictional narrative figure, Orlando, beginning...
A Quantum City, Ed. by Vera Bühlmann and Ludger Hovestadt, Birkhäuser, it at Google BooksWe know the specific strengths of various cities, are aware of their ranking, are able to discuss...
View ArticleEmily Holmes Coleman portrays the post-partum psychosis of Marthe Gail, who...
Emily Holmes Coleman, The Shutter of Snow, The Viking Press, 1930.excerptAfter bearing her first child, Marthe Gail has a nervous breakdown and begins to believe that she is Jesus Christ returned to...
View ArticleRita Bullwinkel - “I was the type of man who got his ears cleaned,” “People...
Rita Bullwinkel, Belly Up, A Strange Object, 2018.excerpt Black Tonguestory In the South the Sand Winds are Our Greatest EnemyBELLY UP is a story collection that contains...
View ArticleStanisław Przybyszewski - Learn about how Satan has a vagina on the end of...
Stanisław Przybyszewski, The Synagogue of Satan, Trans. by Joe Bandel, Bandel Books,2011. [1898.] read it at Google BooksOriginally published in the German language in 1898 by...
View ArticleGermán Espinosa - The whole book is a free-flowing monologue in which...
Germán Espinosa, La Tejedora de coronas [Te Weaver of Crowns], 1982.By renowned author, it is considered a masterpiece and one of the most important works in Colombian literature. Now in its 19th...
View ArticleBrigitte Lozerec'h - devoured by envy and haunted by a past she never...
Brigitte Lozerec'h, Sisters, Trans. by Betsy Wing, Dalkey Archive Press; Reprint, 2013.Mathilde Lewly--a female painter at the dawn of the twentieth century--has achieved notoriety among the Parisian...
View ArticleSteinar Løding - An insane family saga. Reading Steinar is like entering a...
Steinar Løding, Jernalderdrøm [Iron Age Dream]Jernalderdrøm (Iron Age Dream) is a giant literary project undertaken by Norwegian author Steinar Løding, about whose existence, most probably, you will...
View ArticleHernan Diaz - a weird anti-western western. A singular and haunting novel, an...
Hernan Diaz, In the Distance, Coffee House Press, 2017.excerptA young Swedish immigrant finds himself penniless and alone in California. The boy travels east in search of his brother, moving on foot...
View ArticleEdy Poppy - What is fidelity? Part autofiction, part literary, cinematic, and...
Edy Poppy, Anatomy. Monotony, Trans. by May-Brit Akerholt, Dalkey Archive Press, 2018.What is fidelity? In Anatomy. Monotony., Edy Poppy examines this question with an intimacy and ruthlessness worthy...
View ArticleJacek Dehnel - Based on the life of the author’s grandmother, intertwining...
Jacek Dehnel, Lala, Trans. by Antonia Lloyd-Jones, Oneworld Publications, 2018.Lala has lived a dazzling life, filled with love, betrayals, acts of courage and some of the most extraordinary events of...
View ArticleTang Xianzu - He may not have been as prolific as William Shakespeare, and...
Tang Xianzu,The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu, Bloomsbury China, it at Google BooksTang Xianzu (1550–1616) is acclaimed as the 'Shakespeare of the East' and widely regarded as...
View ArticleTanja Maljartschuk - With haiku-like precision, Tanja's deceptively simple...
Tanja Maljartschuk, A Biography of a Chance Miracle, Trans. by Zenia Tompkins, Cadmus Press, it at Google BooksA Biography of a Chance Miracle explores the life of Lena, a young girl growing...
View ArticleAhmad Shamlu - "this is a case of reverse lycanthropy… Shamlu is actually...
Ahmad Shamlu,Born Upon the Dark Spear, Trans. by Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh, Contra Mundum Press, 2015. Mist. Dark Song. Hour of Execution. Behind the Wall. These are just some of...
View ArticleNikhil Singh guides the adolescent hero Taty through a unique universe of...
Nikhil Singh, Taty Went West, Kwani?, 2015., Rosarium Publishing, 2018. Taty is a troubled teen running away from home. She quickly finds herself kidnapped by a malicious imp in the...
View ArticleMike Corrao - Two patrons appear in a dim cafe one day. How they've arrived,...
Mike Corrao, Man, Oh Man, Orson's Publishing, 2018. ExcerptTwo patrons appear in a dim cafe one day. How they've arrived, where they've come from, and why they're there at...
View ArticleAlain Guiraudie - a meditation on friendship, love, power, and abuse in a...
Alain Guiraudie, Now the Night Begins, Trans. by Jeffrey Zuckerman, Semiotext(e) / Native Agents, 2018.A novel that is a meditation on friendship, love, obsession, power, and abuse, by turns...
View ArticleWolfgang Herrndorf's anarchic, brilliant and very funny thriller is like no...
Wolfgang Herrndorf, Sand, Trans. by Tim MohrPushkin Press, 2017.Set in the aftermath 1972 Munich Olympics massacre, this darkly sophisticated literary thriller by one of Germany's most celebrated...
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