Will Eaves lassoes consciousness, memory, desire, literature, illness, flora...
Will Eaves, Murmur, CB Editions,2018.extractTaking its cue from the arrest and legally enforced chemical castration of the mathematician Alan Turing, Murmur is the account of a man who responds to...
View ArticleFrancesco Guicciardini - the true cynical writer of his time. His Storia...
Francesco Guicciardini, The History of Italy,Trans. by Sidney Alexander, Princeton University Press, 1984.read it at Google BooksdownloadIn 1537 Francesco Guicciardini, adviser and confidant to three...
View ArticleJohn Wilson Foster - This is a story of a scarcely credible abundance, of...
John Wilson Foster, Pilgrims of the Air: The Passing of the Passenger Pigeons, Notting Hill Editions, 2014.This is a story of a scarcely credible abundance, of flocks of birds so vast they made the sky...
View ArticleHerbert Pföstl - “He became frightened of flowers because they grew so slowly...
Herbert Pföstl,Schrift-Landschaften, Epidote Press, 2015.http://herbertpfostl.comhttps://twitter.com/herbert_pfostl?lang=enhttp://papergraveyard.blogspot.hr/http://blindpony.blogspot.hrThis artist's...
View ArticleContemporary French Poetics - Studies offered range from those devoted to the...
Contemporary French Poetics, Ed. by Brill Rodopi, 2002.read it at Google BooksContemporary French Poetics finds its origin in part in the International Colloquium on French and Francophone Literature...
View ArticleMarcus Slease - It is the miracle that dissolves in the bathtub like a lump...
Marcus Slease, The Spirit of the Bathtub, Apocalypse Party, 2018.marcusslease.blogspot.com/https://plus.google.com/+marcussleaseThe Spirit of the Bathtub is somewhere between the absurdism of Richard...
View Article'Melville’s Philosophies' recovers a Melville who is a thinker of great...
Melville’s Philosophies, Ed. by Branka Arsic and K. L. Evans, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.read it at Google BooksMelville's Philosophies departs from a long tradition of critical assessments of Melville...
View ArticleDonald A. Nielsen
Donald A. Nielsen, Horrible Workers: Max Stirner, Arthur Rimbaud, Robert Johnson, and the Charles Manson Circle, Lexington Books, 2005.read it at Google BooksThe poet makes himself a seer by a long,...
View ArticleRichard Skelton - an austere and powerful novella about a fugitive in remote...
Richard Skelton,The Look Away, Corbel Stone Press, 2018.http://richardskelton.tumblr.com/‘I am north of where I was. Go north. That was the imperative. Always north. Although the why of it is no...
View ArticleTyann Prentice - In this reimagining of Julian of Norwich’s Revelations of...
Tyann Prentice, To See Your Love Suffer, We Heard You Like Books, 2017.To See Your Love Suffer is a reimagining of Julian of Norwich’s Revelations of Divine Love, a recounting of the explicit visions...
View ArticleTomaz de Figueiredo - A nameless panegyrist pens the protracted praise of a...
Tomaz de Figueiredo, Dom Tanas de BarbatanasDom Tanas de Barbatanas is a weird novel even by the standards of the Portuguese fiction of its time. When it arrived in bookstores in 1962, Portugal was...
View ArticleJürgen von der Wense - A solitary genius like Mahler or Nietzsche and odd...
Jürgen von der Wense, A Shelter for Bells: From the Writings of Hans Jürgen von der Wense, Epidote Press, 2018. Composer, translator, folklorist, aphorist, poet, and wanderer Hans Jürgen von der Wense...
View ArticleGisela Elsner - a German novel of the absurd, a dark comic exercise with no...
Gisela Elsner, The Giant Dwarfs: A Contribution, Trans. by Joel Carmichael, Grove Press, 1967. full text or pdf Last summer at Salzburg, The Giant Dwarfs was awarded the Formentor...
View ArticleZigmunds Skujins - A beautifully written surrealist novel cum political...
Zigmunds Skujins, Flesh-Coloured Dominos, Trans. by Kaija Straumanis, Arcadia Books, 2014.When Baroness Valtraute von Bruegen’s officer husband’s body is severed in two she is delighted to find that...
View ArticleJohn Latham is widely considered a pioneer of British conceptual art. His...
John Latham, John Latham: A World View, Ed. by Amira Gad, Joseph Constable. Foreword by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Yana Peel. Text by Rita Donagh, Amira Gad, Richard Hamilton, Katherine Jackson, Elisa Kay,...
View ArticleMarcelle Sauvageot - a narrative—hovering between the genres of memoir,...
Marcelle Sauvageot, Commentary, Trans. by Christine Schwartz Hartley and Anna Moschovakis, Ugly Duckling Presse, 2013. [1933.]COMMENTARY is a narrative—hovering between the genres of memoir, theory,...
View ArticleBill Atkinson - While shooting in the Painted Desert, Atkinson became...
Bill Atkinson, Within the Stone, Browntrout Pub, 2004. www.darkroastedblend.com/2007/03/fantastic-gemstones.htmlWith this book of color photographs of the polished hearts of stones...
View ArticleJoan Perucho - this fantastical vampire story set around Barcelona during the...
Joan Perucho, Natural History, Ballantine Books, 1990. Antoni Mantpalau, a young Spanish aristocrat of the early 1800s, agrees to aid a village beset by an evil force and is stalked by...
View ArticleSigitas Parulskis looks at the Holocaust through the eyes of the...
Sigitas Parulskis, Darkness and Company, Trans. by Karla Gruodis, Peter Owen Publishers, 2018.excerptexcerptLithuania, 1941: Vincentas makes a Faustian pact with an SS officer: in exchange for the...
View ArticlePamela Ryder - Employing varying styles and shifting perspectives, traversing...
Pamela Ryder, Paradise Field: A Novel in Stories, Fiction Collective 2, 2018.www.pamelaryder.com/index.htmread it at Google BooksexcerptPamela Ryder’s stories vary in style and perspective, and time...
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