Alfredo Bryce Echenique - In this postmodern novel author incisively charts...
Alfredo Bryce Echenique, A World for Julius: A Novel,University of Wisconsin Press, it at Google BooksJulius was born in a mansion on Salaverry Avenue, directly across from the old San Felipe...
View ArticleD. Keith Mano - It is as if Joyce, for his sins, had been forced to grow up...
D. Keith Mano, Take Five, Dalkey Archive Press, 1998.Welcome to the world of Simon Lynxx and to one of the great overlooked novels of the 1980s. Con-man, filmmaker (currently working on producing...
View ArticleBenjamin Zucker takes his form from the Talmud—a central text surrounded by...
Benjamin Zucker, Blue, The Overlook Press, 2000.Modeled after the Talmud, this uniquely constructed novel introduces Abraham Tal, a New York diamond merchant who spends his days counseling friends and...
View ArticleHéctor Abad Faciolince - Saint or sinner? Moralist or scoundrel? Ascetic or...
Héctor Abad Faciolince, Joy of Being Awake, Brookline Books/Lumen Editions, 1996.Saint or sinner? Moralist or scoundrel? Ascetic or voluptuary? The reader must draw his or her own conclusions as Don...
View ArticleDonald Hall and Pat Corrington Wykes undertook the work of excerpting the...
Donald Hall and Pat Corrington Wykes, Anecdotes of Modern Art: From Rousseau to Warhol, Oxford University Press, 1990. From the hilarity of Picasso's legendary banquet for Le Douanier...
View ArticleChris Eaton has created a novel based on his namesakes (and himself) found on...
Chris Eaton, Chris Eaton, a Biography, Book Thug, 2013.CHRIS EATON, A BIOGRAPHY is a novel that arises from the idea that we have all been driven, at some point, to Google ourselves. And if you did,...
View ArticleLee Henderson - an oddly comic, often grotesque panorama of city life like...
Lee Henderson, The Man Game, Penguin Canada, On a recent Sunday afternoon in Vancouver, a young man stumbles upon a secret sport invented more than a century before,...
View ArticleGordon Sheppard - A "documentary fiction", a seminal work that reinvents the...
Gordon Sheppard, HA!: A Self-Murder Mystery, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003. On 15 March 1977, with his wife's consent, celebrated writer and former terrorist Hubert Aquin blew...
View ArticleJohn McGreal - a tragic-comic account of a modern man who has sadly lost it...
John McGreal, Book of It, Matador, 2009.The narrative of The Book of It is a tragic-comic account of a modern man who has sadly lost it altogether. Unsure of who or what it is that he has lost, in the...
View Article'Fiction as Method' brings authors into dialogue with artists, technologists,...
Fiction as Method, Sternberg Press, 2017.A Conference on Counterfactuals and Virtualities in Art and CultureI am an artist, and therefore a liar. Distrust everything I say. I am telling the truth. ~...
View ArticleHeriberto Yépez is a forceful antipoet, a technician of the boundaries, a...
Heriberto Yépez, Transnational Battle Field, Commune Editions,"Heriberto Yepez is one of the most active and protean writers of his generation."— Review: Literature and Arts of...
View ArticleChris Scott - an endlessly inventive comic masterpiece, and the finest...
Chris Scott, Bartleby, Anansi, 1971., Reissued: Verbivoracious Press, 2016. Bartleby is an endlessly inventive comic masterpiece, and the finest continuation of Tristram Shandy ever written. The novel...
View ArticleAl-Shirbini Yusuf - An unusual mini-masterwork from the canon of bawdy,...
Al-Shirbini Yusuf, Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abu Shaduf Expounded: Volume One, Ed. and trans. by Humphrey Davies, NYU Press; Bilingual ed., 2016. [1686.]excerptUnique in pre-20th-century Arabic...
View ArticleJ. F. Mamjjasond & Fafnir Finklemeyer - Plotless, absurd, nonsensical,...
J. F. Mamjjasond & Fafnir Finklemeyer, Hoptime, Sagging Meniscus, 2017.Hoptime is what happens when sentences stretched to the end of their lexical tethers snap and collide, whipping up a brutal...
View ArticleJeff Nuttall - Never preoccupied with well-wrought description and dialogue...
Jeff Nuttall, An Aesthetic of Obscenity: Five Novels, VerbivoraciousPress, 2016. Jeff Nuttall’s fiction displays an impatience with the constraints of words and...
View ArticleOle Robert Sunde - This is a total novel which wants to contain the whole...
Ole Robert Sunde, Naturligvis måtte hun ringe [Of course she had to call], 1992.This is a novel which hasn’t been re-issued since its original publication in 1992. Fredrik Wandrup, critic of the...
View ArticleGuillermo Saccomanno - Abounding with shady characters, all seemingly...
Guillermo Saccomanno, Gesell Dome, Trans. by Andrea G. Labinger, Open Letter, 2016.Like True Detective through the lenses of William Faulkner and John Dos Passos, Gesell Dome is a mosaic of misery, a...
View ArticleOlav H. Hauge - During those years when I lived a truly spiritual life, they...
Olav H. Hauge, Luminous Spaces: Olav H. Hauge: Selected Poems & Journals, Trans. by Olav Grinde, White Pine Press, 2016."'During those years when I lived a truly spiritual life, they called me sick...
View ArticleSydney Goodsir Smith - Scottish 'Finnegans Wake': a mock-Joycean cum...
Sydney Goodsir Smith, Carotid Cornucopius, M. Macdonald, 1947.Although best-known as a poet, Sydney Goodsir Smith is also celebrated as the author of the experimental novel Carotid Cornucopius (1947),...
View ArticleSinclair Beiles - the sad, mad and bruised old mind that was Sinclair Beiles...
Sinclair Beiles, A South African Abroad, Lapis Press, 1991.I first came across Sinclair Beiles’s name one drunken night in 1991 outside a bookshop in Yeoville’s Rockey Street. A newspaper clipping...
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