Meng Jinghui has been credited with revitalizing Chinese theater by...
Meng Jinghui, I Love XXX, Ed. and trans. by Claire Conceison, Seagull Books, 2017.Since premiering his pioneering linguistic experiment I Love XXX in Beijing nearly twenty-five years ago, Meng Jinghui...
View ArticleJosé Maria Eça de Queirós - His excellent prose glides through real...
Eça de Queirós, The Illustrious House of Ramires. Trans. by Margaret Jull Costa, New Directions, 2017.The Illustrious House of Ramires, presented here in a sparkling new translation by Margaret Jull...
View ArticleDaisy Hildyard - To be a living thing is to exist in two bodies. You breathe...
Daisy Hildyard, The Second Body, Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2017. Every living thing has two bodies. To be an animal is to be in the possession of a physical body, a body which can eat,...
View ArticleJ. J. Voskuil - ‘World’s longest novel’. Never before has the dry humour and...
J.J. Voskuil (1926-2008) stands alone in Dutch literature. In 1963 he published Bij nader inzien (On Second Thoughts), a twelve-hundred-page novel which describes with photographic precision the lives...
View ArticleAntonio Moresco - Living in an abandoned village in order to “disappear,” an...
Antonio Moresco, Distant Light, Trans. by Richard Dixon, Archipelago Books, 2016.A man lives in total solitude in an abandoned mountain village. But a mystery disturbs his isolation: each night at the...
View ArticleSam Riviere - Framed as an ‘ambient novel’, Safe Mode abandons the...
Sam Riviere, Safe Mode, Text Centre, 2017. Centre is delighted to announce the publication of Safe Mode, an ambient novel by Sam Riviere, and his first book-length...
View ArticleMircea Cărtărescu takes us on a mystical trip into the protagonist’s...
Mircea Cărtărescu, Blinding, Trans. by Sean Cotter, Archipelago, 2013. excerptPart visceral dream-memoir, part fictive journey through a hallucinatory Bucharest, Mircea Cărtărescu’s Blinding was one...
View ArticleAdrián Bravi - Anselmo faces not the literal question of clean living, but...
Adrián Bravi, Dust, Trans. by Patience Haggin, Dalkey Archive Press, 2017.Dust tells the story of a librarian terrified by the decay of the world around him. With the help of his wife, the librarian...
View ArticleZulmira Ribeiro Tavares - All that muted volume, that threat coming from so...
Zulmira Ribeiro Tavares, Family Heirlooms, Trans. by Daniel Hahn, Frisch & Co., 2016. read it at Google BooksA sparkling tale of duplicity from one of Brazil’s greatest living writersMaria Bráulia...
View ArticleJ'Lyn Chapman - collection traces the uncanny coincidences and resemblances...
J'Lyn Chapman, Beastlife, Calamari Press, 2016.BEASTLIFE contains the out-of-print BEAR STORIES, a chapbook published by Calamari Press in 2008.At once far and nearsighted, visionary and intuitive,...
View ArticleLouis Couperus - His insight into the tragedy of European colonialism made...
Louis Couperus, Eline Vere, Trans. by Ina Rilke,Archipelago Books, 2010. [1889.]Louis Couperus was catapulted to prominence in 1889 with Eline Vere, a psychological masterpiece inspired by Flaubert and...
View ArticleMaria Gabriela Llansol - With echoes of Clarice Lispector, Llansol’s novellas...
Maria Gabriela Llansol, Geography of Rebels Trilogy, Trans. by Audrey Young, Deep Vellum, 2017.Geography of Rebels presents the English debut of three linked novellas (The Book of Communities, The...
View ArticleMariana Dimópulos - The structure of All My Goodbyes echoes that of quantum...
Mariana Dimópulos, All My Goodbyes, Trans. by Alice Whitmore, Giramondo, 2017.The first title in Giramondo’s pioneering ‘Southern Latitudes’ series, focussing on innovative fiction and non-fiction by...
View ArticleMatt McIntosh - It’s too easy to say “theMystery.doc” is a “Waste Land” for...
Matt McIntosh, theMystery.doc, Grove Press, 2017.excerptread it at Google Bookshttp://themysterybook.comA mammoth, shapeshifting postmodern literary novel. Rooted in the western United States in the...
View ArticleJoão Paulo Cuenca brings a dash of magic realism to Japan.
João Paulo Cuenca, The Only Happy Ending for a Love Story Is an Accident, Trans. by Elizabeth Lowe, Tagus Press, it at Google BooksexcerptJ. P. Cuenca is a surprising transnational voice in...
View ArticleCora Sandel has been compared with the likes of Charlotte Brontë, Jean Rhys...
Cora Sandel, Alberta and Jacob, Trans. by Elizabeth Rokkan, Peter Owen, 2003. [1926.]This is the story of Alberta Selmer, a young woman from a provincial town in the far north of Norway. Here the warm...
View ArticleManuel Lima - This book will expose our long-lasting obsession with trees, as...
Manuel Lima, The Book of Trees: Visualizing Branches of Knowledge, Princeton Architectural Press, are in nature but also in our minds. Their shape have influenced...
View ArticleErin Stalcup - A taboo romance breaks the laws of gravity. A female physicist...
Erin Stalcup, Every Living Species,Gold Wake Press Collective,"Bird as beast. Bird as beauty. Bird as spectacle. In Every Living Species, Stalcup looks zoological...
View ArticleSibylle Lewitsaroff
Sibylle Lewitscharoff, Blumenberg, Trans. by Wieland Hoban, Seagull Books, 2016.One night, German philosopher Hans Blumenberg returns to his study to find a shocking sight—a lion lying on the floor as...
View ArticleDarcie Dennigan - “Mary and Cervantes on the mattress —/It is not a word for...
Darcie Dennigan, Palace of Subatomic Bliss, Canarium Books, 2016.This book contains a play about a woman who dies twice, a treatise on why there are no female absurdists, and several unfortunate...
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