Waly Salomão - From “THE TRUE STRUCTURE / OF NATURE,” to a “locked poem” to...
Waly Salomão, Algaravias: Echo Chamber, Trans. by Maryam Monalisa Gharavi, Ugly Duckling Presse, 2016. You can read the complete “Jet-lagged Poem” in Asymptote.A few other poems from the book can also...
View ArticleMKL Murphy - a neon mirage from the heart of the sandblasted Nevada...
MKL Murphy,The Isle of Minimus, Repeater Books, 2016.The Isle of Minimus is a neon mirage from the heart of the sandblasted Nevada wasteland, a panorama of crazed dictators, dreamy acrobats, the urban...
View ArticleAntonio Di Benedetto - Widely regarded as an existential masterpiece and one...
Antonio Di Benedetto, Zama, Trans. by Esther Allen, NYRB Classics, 2016.First published in 1956, Zama is now universally recognized as one of the masterpieces of modern Argentine and Spanish-language...
View ArticleHarold Abramowitz - This brilliant, poetic novel weaves a new structure for...
Harold Abramowitz, Blind Spot, Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016.--from Part One - HotelHere, memory like a dripping faucet, slowly leaking events and considerations, one constantly feels like they are...
View ArticleEeva-Liisa Manner - Like a spruce cone, a child falls into a world where...
Eeva-Liisa Manner, Girl on Heaven’s Pier, Translated by Terhi Kuusisto, Dalkey Archive Press, 2016.Originally published in 1951, this novel tells of a young girl living with her deeply religious...
View ArticleCurrently & Emotion: Translations - both a collection of striking original...
Currently & Emotion: Translations, Sophie Collins, ed., Test Centre, 2016.The anthology presents a varied and carefully curated selection of works which foreground the translator, and, by...
View ArticleAnanda Devi - Set in a poor section of Port-Louis, Mauritius, this...
Ananda Devi, Eve Out of Her Ruins,Trans. by Jeffrey Zuckermann, Deep Vellum, 2016.excerptA harrowing account of the hidden violent reality of life in her native country by the figurehead of Mauritian...
View ArticleJohn Douglas Millar examines writing in the context of contemporary art, and...
John Douglas Millar, Brutalist Readings: Essays on Literature, Sternberg Press, 2016.johndouglasmillar.blogspot.hr/John Douglas Millar’s Brutalist Readings: Essays on Literature is a significant...
View ArticleRobert Lowry - The anarchy and boredom American soldiers experience in...
Robert Lowry, Casualty, New Directions, 1946.The anarchy and boredom American soldiers experience in overseas army camps are brought to sharp focus in this tense, powerful novel about a photo...
View ArticleJohn A. Scott - a prose epic of an alternative WW2.Reading N is a bit like...
John A. Scott, N., Brandl & Schlesinger, 2014.When this extraordinary novel appeared in Australia last April, one reviewer grouped it with "postmodernist maximalist opuses such as Infinite Jest,...
View ArticleCtch Bsnss - Every assertion is cast in excruciating doubt. Is it 4 am? Am I...
Ctch Bsnss, Able To/Always Will, Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016.embareaxedx.tumblr.com/“A tale of elusive revelations is rendered through interruptions and undercuts in Ctch’s Able To/Always Will. Like...
View ArticleAnca Cristofovici - Thoughtful, inventive, and beautifully lyric, 'Stela'...
Anca Cristofovici, Stela, Ninebark Press, 2015.ancacristofovici.blogspot.hr/Years after her mother's disappearance from an unnamed city in an unnamed country governed by a repressive regime, a young...
View ArticleMaija Timonen - are we living in an age of emotional, as well as economic,...
Maija Timonen, The Measure of Reality, Book Works, 2016.www.maijatimonen.info/‘The Sniffers’, excerpt from The Measure of Reality, in Art Papers, May/June 2015.‘Funny, mordantly sexy, witty, true....
View ArticleMaure Coise - Reputation currency. X file. Anti-humanist/inhumanist...
Maure Coise, Geophilosophical Branding, gnOme, 2016.Commodities of motherly love found corporate culture. Paranoid materialism refers structure: environment, technology. Human nature ought maintain...
View ArticleRamón Saizarbitoria - the most important Basque novel ever. A Tolstoyan saga,...
Ramón Saizarbitoria,Martutene, Trans. by Aritz Branton, Hispabooks,2016.Winner of the Basque Country’s Fiction Prize, Martutene is a unique novel destined to become an essential reference of...
View ArticleSiouxzi Mernagh - an anthology of essays, short fiction, novel extracts and...
Siouxzi Mernagh, Little houses, big forests (desire is no light thing),Repeater Books, 2017.siouxzimernagh.com/Little houses, big forests (desire is no light thing) is an anthology of essays, short...
View ArticleSchuler Benson - Like a Coen brothers script, his stories are a little...
Schuler Benson, The Poor Man's Guide to an Affordable, Painless Suicide, Alternating Current,, 2014.Twelve stories, fraught with an unapologetic voice of firsthand experience, that pry the lock off of...
View ArticleAll The Messiahs - A book like if a Mexican death tabloid snatched you by the...
All The Messiahs, Schism Press, 2016.www.allthemessiahs.com/Ghosts stuttering from an abyss reconstructed with profane and profound tenderness. Their husks have fallen out, their decayed flesh hangs...
View ArticleMonica Mody - an allegorical screenplay that's both playful and terrifying....
Monica Mody, Kala Pani, 1913 Press, 2013.www.modymonica.com/Read excerpts from Kala Pani in 1913 a journal of forms, Boston Review, LIES/ISLE, The Volta, and on Truck.Monica Mody's KALA PANI is an...
View ArticleAgustin Aguilar - Focusing on a boy named Arturo who one day finds and...
Agustin Aguilar, Leonora Come Down, We Heard You Like Books,2016.Giants made of rock. People made of clay. The moon who walks the earth as a man and digs through garbage. Fairy tales told by a...
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