The Nonhuman Turn - Each of these approaches is engaged in decentering the...
The Nonhuman Turn, Ed. by Richard Grusin, University Of Minnesota Press, 2015. Edited by Richard Grusin of the Center for 21st Century Studies, this is the first book to...
View ArticleLouis-Ferdinand Céline - The dark side of On the Road: instead of seeking...
Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of Night, Trans. by Ralph Manheim, New Directions; Reprint ed., 2006. read it at Google BooksexcerptThe dark side of On the Road: instead of seeking kicks,...
View ArticleJeremy M. Davies - a long-winded monologue delivered by a crazy-old-cat-man,...
Jeremy M. Davies, Fancy, Ellipsis, excerpt published in The Brooklyn Railan excerpt published in The CollagistAn elderly shut-in delivers a series of pet-sitting instructions to a young couple...
View ArticleJonas Karlsson - Funny, clever, surreal, and thought-provoking, this...
Jonas Karlsson, The Room,Hogarth,, clever, surreal, and thought-provoking, this Kafkaesque masterpiece introduces the unforgettable Bjorn, an exceptionally...
View ArticleWolfgang Hilbig writes as Edgar Allan Poe could have written if he had been...
Wolfgang Hilbig, "I", Trans. by Isabel Fargo Cole, Seagull Books, 2015.The perfect book for paranoid times, “I” introduces us to W, a mere hanger-on in East Berlin’s postmodern underground literary...
View ArticleThe Portable Museum - extraordinary and unexpected short stories by some of...
The Portable Museum: An Electronic Journal of Literature in Translation, Ox and Pigeon, a free previewThe Portable Museum is Ox and Pigeon’s digital journal of literature in translation....
View ArticleÁlvaro Bisama - a story-within-a-story set against the backdrop of Chile’s...
Álvaro Bisama, Dead Stars, Trans. by Megan McDowell, Ox and Pigeon, 2014. excerpt 1excerpt 2An unnamed couple sits in a café, waiting for the city offices to open so they can finalize their divorce...
View ArticleSalvador Elizondo - A ’60s Mexican cult masterpiece, Farabeuf is an enigmatic...
Salvador Elizondo, Farabeuf, Trans. by John Incledon, Ox and Pigeon, 2015.excerptA ’60s Mexican cult masterpiece, Farabeuf is an enigmatic vision of the French surgeon L.H. Farabeuf’s curious...
View ArticleJames Shea takes us on a mysterious quest, by foot and by car, through rain...
James Shea, The Lost Novel, Fence Books, 2014.James Shea’s first book Star in the Eye won the Fence Modern Poets Series, and garnered widespread acclaim with rave reviews in the Times Literary...
View ArticleTerayama Shūji is a realist speaking through the medium of fantasy. To read...
Terayama Shūji, The Crimson Thread of Abandon, Trans. by Elizabeth L. Armstrong, Merwin Asia, 2014.The crimson thread noted in the title of this book aptly describes the nature of Teriyama’s stories...
View ArticleGeorge and Weedon Grossmith - The funniest book about a certain type of...
George and Weedon Grossmith, Diary of a Nobody. itThis fictitious diary details fifteen months in the life of Mr. Charles Pooter, a middle aged city clerk of lower middle-class status but...
View ArticleTito Perdue has been described as "America's lost literary genius" and as "a...
Tito Perdue, Reuben, Radix, the tutelage of Lee Pefley, Reuben learned what must be done. And when the time came, he left Alabama and took up the task of conquering the...
View ArticleNathalie Léger - a book about the remarkable American actress and filmmaker...
Nathalie Léger, Suite for Barbara Loden, Trans. by Natasha Lehrer and Cécile Menon, Les Fugitives, 2015.excerptFirst published in France in 2012 to critical and popular acclaim, this is the first book...
View ArticleOkot p'Bitek - The gripping poems of Lawino and Ocol capture two opposing...
Okot p'Bitek, Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol,Waveland Press; Reissue ed., 2013., / East African Educational Publishers and Worldreader, 2015. [1966.]During his lifetime, Okot p'Bitek was concerned...
View ArticleKlaus Weber’s art works create ruptures with what we would call reality. In...
Klaus Weber, If You Leave Me I'm Not Coming. Already There!,Nottingham Contemporary, 2014. Klaus Weber is an artist who strays through multiple disciplines and appears to take on various...
View ArticleSheng Keyi - a brave work of speculative fiction, a cross between Cloud...
Sheng Keyi, Death Fugue, Giramondo Publishing, 2014.Sheng Keyi was born in Hunan province in 1973 and lives in Beijing. Death Fugue is her sixth novel, and the second to be published in English...
View ArticleMehdi Belhaj Kacem - In each chapter, he explicates a critical re-thinking of...
Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, Transgression and the Inexistent, Trans. by P. Burcu Yalim. Bloomsbury, 2014.A contemporary philosopher of Tunisian origin, Mehdi Belhaj Kacem is here published in English for the...
View ArticleRetracing the Expanded Field: Encounters between Art and Architecture -...
Retracing the Expanded Field: Encounters between Art and Architecture, Spyros Papapetros and Julian Rose, eds., MIT 2014.Expansion, convergence, adjacency, projection, rapport, and intersection are a...
View ArticleSilvia Federici - a history of the body in the transition to capitalism....
Silvia Federici, Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation, Autonomedia, it at Google Books an interview with silvia where she talks about the...
View ArticleAfrica39: New Writing from Africa south of the Sahara -
Africa39: New Writing from Africa south of the Sahara, ed. by by Ellah Wakatama Allfrey. Bloomsbury, has produced some of the best writing of the twentieth...
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