Saitō Tamaki - a controversial Japanese novel that made the public aware of...
Saitō Tamaki, Hikikomori: Adolescence Without End. Trans. by Jeffrey Angles. University of Minnesota Press, 2013. This is the first English translation of a controversial Japanese best seller that made...
View ArticleGerhard Rühm is a radical experimenter, a restless explorer of traditions and...
Gerhard Rühm, I My Feet, Trans. by Rosmarie Waldrop. Burning Deck, 2004.Gerhard Rühm is a radical experimenter, a restless explorer of traditions and genres, atomizing their elements in order to...
View ArticleSarah Gerard - an intense, fast-moving saga of two young lovers and the...
Sarah Gerard, Binary Star. Two Dollar Radio, language of the stars is the language of the body. Like a star, the anorexic burns fuel that isn't replenished; she is held...
View ArticleEtel Adnan has enjoyed a distinguished career as a poet, playwright and...
Etel Adnan,To look at the sea is to become what one is: An Etel Adnan Reader, Nightboat, 2014.www.eteladnan.comEtel Adnan, interview by Lisa RobertsonThe first retrospective collection of 50 years of...
View ArticleRichard Kraft - In this wildly irreverent collage narrative, Kraft...
Richard Kraft, Here Comes Kitty: A Comic Opera. With interpolations by Danielle Dutton and a conversation with Ann Lauterbach. Siglio, 2015.www.richardkraft.netRead the complete PDF Press Release.Here...
View ArticleBlai Bonet - Set in a tubercular sanatorium in Mallorca after the Spanish...
Blai Bonet, The Sea, Trans. by Maruxa Relano, Martha Tennent. Dalkey Archive Press, 2015.A moving contribution to the tradition of the metaphysical novel as exemplified by Dostoyevsky and Bernanos, and...
View ArticleGhost Nature exposes the limits of human perspective in the emergent...
Ghost Nature, Ed. by Caroline Picard, Green Lantern Press, 2014.Mice grow human ears on their backs in laboratories and rabbits glow in the dark. In this new age of ecological awareness, "Nature" as a...
View ArticleAdrián N. Bravi - With the skill of a spider, Bravi weaves stories that...
Adrián N. Bravi, The Combover, Trans. by Richard Dixon, Frisch & Co., 2013.Arduino Gherarducci is the latest in the family line of bald men with ornate combovers. Some combed their hair from one...
View ArticleHan Kang - The story of a young mentally disturbed woman who thinks she is...
Han Kang, The Vegetarian, Trans. by Deborah Smith, Portobello Books, 2015.excerptYeong-hye and her husband are ordinary people. He is an office worker with moderate ambitions and mild manners; she is...
View ArticleRobert Menasse - Although fortunate to have escaped the persecution and exile...
Robert Menasse, Anyone Can Say 'I': Tales from the End of the Post-war Era. Trans. by Thomas S. and Abby J. Hansen. Ariadne Press, 2011.Robert Menasse:Eternal Youth + The End of Amsterdam’s Hunger...
View ArticleGail Hareven - a harrowing, controversial novel about a woman’s revenge,...
Gail Hareven, Lies, First Person. Trans. by Dalya Bilu, Open Let2014.From the 2010 winner of the Best Translated Book Award comes a harrowing, controversial novel about a woman’s revenge, Jewish...
View ArticleMark Greif - In his new cultural history, Greif examines the literature and...
Mark Greif, The Age of the Crisis of Man: Thought and Fiction in America, 1933-1973, Princeton UP, 2015.In a midcentury American cultural episode forgotten today, intellectuals of all schools shared a...
View ArticleChaulky White - a «gift of tongues rendering visible not the lay sense but...
Chaulky White, 'SSES"'SSES""SSEY',Calamari Press, 2015. 'SSES"'SSES""SSEY' is a book object that is based/extrapolates on an MFA thesis Kevin White wrote in 1990 entitled 'SSES"'SSES" wherein he...
View ArticleHelen Finch - In a series of readings of Sebald’s major texts, from ‘After...
Helen Finch, Sebald’s Bachelors: Queer Resistance and the Unconforming Life. Legenda, 2013.Why do queer bachelors and homosexual desire haunt the works of the German writer W. G. Sebald (1944-2001)? In...
View ArticleAaron Hillyer considers the implications of Maurice Blanchot's strange...
Aaron Hillyer, The Disappearance of Literature: Blanchot, Agamben, and the Writers of the No. Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.In this book Aaron Hillyer considers the implications of Maurice Blanchot's...
View ArticleM. - The Banality of Else: a surreal/ fragmentary/ discursive series of texts...
M., The Banality of Else. gnOme. 2014. The Banality of Else is a surreal/ fragmentary/ discursive series of texts written in the disembodied vocal style. Apocalyptic in atmosphere, it utilizes...
View ArticleClément Pansaers was the major - and some argue, the only - true proponent of...
Clément Pansaers, Pan-Dada: The Writings of Clement Pansaers, Trans. by Sanchez Michael. Green Integer. 2013.Born on May 1, 1885 in Neerwinden, Belgium, the Francophone Belgian writer, Clément Pansaers...
View ArticleRebbecca Brown - poetically rich, provocatively questioning identity, the...
Rebbecca Brown, They Become Her, What Books Press, 2014. excerptRebbecca Brown's debut novel, THEY BECOME HER, received Honorable Mention in the 2009-2010 Starcherone Innovative Fiction...
View ArticleMallory Ortberg presents this whimsical collection of hysterical text...
Mallory Ortberg, Texts From Jane Eyre, Henry Holt, 2014.excerpt imagined text conversations--the passive aggressive, the clever, and the strange--from classic...
View ArticleEduardo Viveiros de Castro - The iconoclastic Brazilian anthropologist and...
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Cannibal Metaphysics, Univocal, 2014.The iconoclastic Brazilian anthropologist and theoretician Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, well known in his discipline for helping...
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