Eva Clanculator - Clanculator’s experiment/prank perverts the blindly...
Eva Clanculator, Atheologia Germanica. gnOme books. 2012. PDFWoe unto them that call good evil, and evil good; that put light for darkness, and darkness for light.An inverted version of the...
View ArticleChen Xiwo - offer readers a disturbingly brilliant take on topics like rape,...
Chen Xiwo, The Book of Sins, Trans. by Nicky Harman. Fortysix, 2014.A dark tale of moral corruption.' --Prospect. An edgy exploration of the dark side of the human psyche by one of China's leading...
View ArticleJean Dutourd - It is an incredible tour de force: a dialogue running to more...
Jean Dutourd, The Horrors of Love, Trans. by. Robin Chancellor, Doubleday, 1967.“My first choice would be Jean Dutourd’s THE HORRORS OF LOVE, which is translated into English and was published in the...
View ArticleLola Lafon - a wild novel that oscillates between fiction and reality,...
Lola Lafon, We Are the Birds of the Coming Storm. Trans. by David and Nicole BallSeagull, 2014.We Are the Birds of the Coming Storm is a wild novel that oscillates between fiction and reality. The...
View ArticleInga Machel - By turns acerbic, poetic, and absurd, Machel’s story recalls...
Inga Machel, Dear A., Trans. by Donal McLaughlin, Readux Books, 2014.A traumatic childhood memory overcomes I., spurring a lucid, unsettling account of a stay in a children’s hospital, distorted and...
View ArticleDavi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert - the autobiography of Davi Kopenawa, one of...
Davi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert, The Falling Sky: Words of a Yanomami Shaman, Trans. by Nicholas Elliott and Alison Dundy. Belknap Press/Harvard University Press, 2014.Read excerpts from The Falling...
View ArticleJean-Luc Benoziglio - the monologue of a man, disoriented by the gaping void...
Jean-Luc Benoziglio, Privy Portrait, Trans. by Tess Lewis, Seagull Books, 2014.The narrator in Jean-Luc Benoziglio’s Privy Portrait has fallen on hard times. His wife and young daughter have abandoned...
View ArticleJoão de Melo - Cadete the Healer and Sara the Saint; Barbaro the Pilgrim and...
João de Melo, My World Is Not of This Kingdom. Trans. by Gregory Rabassa, Aliform Publishing, 2003.Read two chapters excerpted from My World Is Not Of This Kingdom.This stunning novel, first published...
View ArticleCh’oe In-ho - The novel begins with a series of seemingly minor...
Ch’oe In-ho,Another Man's City, Trans. by Bruce Fulton, Ju-Chan Fulton. Dalkey Archive Press, 2014.An excerpt from Another Man’s City in AsymptoteAnother Man’s City is structured as a virtual-reality...
View ArticleCamel Collective - An incisive and playful analysis of the interrelated...
Camel Collective, The Second World Congress of Free Artists. In Three Acts, Aarhus Kunsthal; 2013full textwww.camelcollective.org/With humor and wit the authors invite us to join in the slow...
View ArticleDavid Winters - Meditations on style, form and fictional worlds sit...
David Winters, Infinite Fictions: Essays on Literature and Theory. Zero Books, 2014.davidwinters.ukDavid Winters has quickly become a leading voice in the new landscape of online literary criticism....
View ArticleHeimrad Bäcker uses documentary material to recount a minor historical...
Heimrad Bäcker, Seascape, Trans. by Patrick Greaney.Ugly Duckling Presse, 2013. [1985.]Heimrad Bäcker’s Seascape uses documentary material to recount a minor historical episode from World War II: the...
View ArticleHadrien Laroche - The first, orphaned by history, still mourns a father who...
Hadrien Laroche, Orphans, Trans. by Jan Steyn, Dalkey Archive Press, 2014.A forlorn traveler is taken in by three suffering orphans, who, in the midst of their pain, give him food and shelter. The...
View ArticleJuan Rodolfo Wilcock - Compellingly whimsical, alienated, pseudo-scientific,...
Juan Rodolfo Wilcock, The Temple of Iconoclasts,. Trans. byLawrence Venuti, Mercury House, 2000."One of the greatest and strangest . . . writers of this century." - Roberto BolañoFrom an armchair in...
View ArticleAtticus Lish is a new master of heart and compassion and pure power. Here,...
Atticus Lish, Preparation for the Next Life. Tyrant Books, 2014.excerptLish on twitterZou Lei, orphan of the desert, migrates to work in America and finds herself slaving in New York's kitchens. She...
View ArticleRivka Galchen - Alternately realistic, fantastical, witty and lyrical, these...
Rivka Galchen, American Innovations, Fourth Estate, 2014.Read The Last Order from this collection in the New YorkerA short-story collection from one of America’s brightest young talents.In one of these...
View ArticleLuke B. Goebel - a thunderous, fantastical debut novel. Told by a narrator...
Luke B. Goebel, Fourteen Stories, None of Them are Yours, Fiction Collective 2, 2014.read it at Google BooksLuke B. Goebel:Tough Beautylukebgoebel.com/In this dazzling debut about life after loss, Luke...
View ArticleMike Meginnis - the atomic bombs dropped on Japan are personified, born on...
Mike Meginnis, Fat Man and Little Boy. Black Balloon Publishing, 2014.excerptmike-meginnis.com/Two bombs over Japan. Two shells.One called Little Boy, one called Fat Man. Three days apart. The one...
View ArticleMichael Kumpfmüller - Much of this intriguing novel about Franz Kafka’s last...
Michael Kumpfmüller, The Glory of Life, Trans. by Anthea Bell. Haus Publishing, 2015. The aftermath of Franz Kafka’s love affair with Dora Diamant is legend: refusing to honor his instructions to...
View ArticleZigmunds Skujinš - A beautifully written surrealist novel cum political...
Zigmunds Skujinš, Flesh-Coloured Dominos, Trans. by Kaija Straumanis. Arcadia Books, 2014.read it at Google Books When Baroness Valtraute von Bruegen’s officer husband’s body is severed in two she is...
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