Max Blecher - A poet and prose-writer, Blecher offers a harrowing account of...
Max Blecher,Scarred Hearts, Trans. by Henry Howard, Old Street Publishing, 2008. [1939.]Emmanuel, a young man with spinal tuberculosis and confined to a sanatorium outside Paris, narrates his and his...
View ArticleKristi Maxwell - I am a body, language is bodies, writing is bodies, I am...
Kristi Maxwell, Re-, Ahsahta Press, 2012. poem cycles explore relationships both human and linguistic. Responsive (and responses) to the multiple connections...
View ArticleDavid Thomas - This is a poetry book that doesn’t look like a poetry book....
David Thomas, The Book of Hieroglyphs, Lulu, 2012.Download a PDF of excerpts. There's a blog site dedicated to the book.The Book of Hieroglyphs is rock and roll. It does not present stories of drug...
View ArticleLauren Berlant - Whether viewed psychoanalytically, institutionally, or...
Lauren Berlant, Desire/Love,Punctum Books, 2012.Download it“There is nothing more alienating than having your pleasures disputed by someone with a theory,” writes Lauren Berlant. Yet the ways in which...
View ArticlePatrick Lawler’s novel is about resonance, echoes, and naming; about hiding...
Patrick Lawler, Rescuers of Skydivers Search Among the Clouds, Fiction Collective 2, 2012.Read it at Google BooksWhen you step inside Patrick Lawler’s Rescuers of Skydivers Search Among the Clouds, you...
View ArticleHalvor Aakhus - What if Ulysses were written by an American mathematician...
Halvor Aakhus, Book of Knut: A Novel by Knut Knudson, Jaded Ibis Press, 2012.ExcerptExcerpt 2Fiction, life – in the end, what’s the difference?” Halvor Aakhus’s vibrant debut novel reminds us that both...
View ArticleEmine Sevgi Özdamar - A witty, picaresque account of a precocious teenager...
Emine Sevgi Özdamar, The Bridge of the Golden Horn, Trans. by Martin Chalmers, Serpent’s Tail, 2009.Read it at Google BooksIn 1966, a sixteen-year-old girl leaves Istanbul and signs up as a migrant...
View ArticleAnthology of Etiquette and Terrifying Angels With Many Heads - Weird and...
free download (pdf)I can’t not smirk even when I look at the cover: how tongue-in-cheek the design is, recalling something like the 1870-whatever edition of Paradise Lost I found in my hometown library...
View ArticleDan Hoy - Aliens invent human beings out of aliens and fuck them. People are...
Dan Hoy,Revelations & Confessions: Blood Work Volume II, Slim Princess Holdings, 2012.Dan Hoy’s new chapbook “Revelations & Confessions: Blood Work Volume II” from Slim Princess Holdings...
View ArticleMitsuse Ryu - The greatest Japanese science fiction novel of all time. Jesus...
Mitsuse Ryu, Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights, Trans. by Alexander O. Smith and Elyse J. Alexander, Haikasoru, 2012. [1967./1973.]Ten billion days—that is how long it will take the...
View ArticleKeegan Crawford yawns until he explodes with the power that is released when...
Stealing Things by Keegan Crawford read it hereOther writing available here Stealing Things is the shortest title Keegan’s ever had. Keegan ‘the vegan’ Crawford loves long titles. Somebody must...
View ArticleRichard Chiem - About sociopaths and animals.I can dance so symmetrically for...
Richard Chiem, You Private Person, Scrambler Books, 2012.“Considering how much I love Richard Chiem’s writing, and given how its uncanny snare and sweep of life’s especially agile, prompt, messed,...
View ArticleLuna Miguel - The Beautiful World Gives Me Disgust.I like when literature...
Luna Miguel, Blubird and Other Tattoos/Bluebird y Otros Tattoos, Trans. by Jeremy Spencer, Scrambler Books, Miguel is a poet who can make me...
View ArticleMatthew Battles - Without warning, the dogs move into the trees to escape the...
Matthew Battles, The Sovereignties of Invention, Red Lemonade, 2012.Matthew Battles does not write stories that move, develop or unfold. He creates worlds that hiss, snap, and rattle, and decorates...
View ArticlePatricia Lockwood - Her 'sexts' are X-rated scenarios that bring cartoon...
Patricia Lockwood, Balloon Pop Outlaw Black, Octopus Books, 2012.Patricia's blogPatricia's twitter"There's a savage intelligence at work in this debut collection of poems. ... Lockwood's loping lines...
View ArticleExpect Anything Fear Nothing: The Situationist Movement in Scandinavia and...
Expect Anything Fear Nothing: The Situationist Movement in Scandinavia and Elsewhere, Ed. by Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen and Jakob Jakobsen, Half Letter Press, 2012.downloadThis volume is the first...
View ArticlePenny Goring uses language in the same way a stick of dynamite can blast open...
Penny Goring, The Zoom Zoom,Eight Cuts Gallery Press,2011.I’m not sure where to start with this review.Maybe here. Cities across England are descending into chaos; the world is making little sense as...
View ArticlePetra Cortright - By turns technical, absurd, tender, and urgent: an...
Petra Cortright, HELL_TREE, E-book is the first e-book by acclaimed net artist Petra Cortright. Since 2005, Cortright has produced a unique body of work...
Seven ParrotsThe Parrot series, published by Insert Blanc Press, was much like its imprint started in a mess of pleasant confusion—my understanding is Insert was at first largely a fake press, that...
View ArticleMark Tursi - The result is a kind of ‘hustling’: the poems not only tug the...
Mark Tursi, Brutal Synecdoche, Astrophil Press, 2013. “‘I am here to hustle you,’ writes Mark Tursi in his terrific second book, BRUTAL SYNECDOCHE. In his meditations on culture, identity, religion,...
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