Franz Innerhofer - In his depiction of Holl’s earliest years, action is...
Franz Innerhofer, Beautiful Days. Trans. by Anselm Hollo. Urizen Books, 1977Come on, then!Stay right there!Keep still now!Life on a hill-farm, a country childhood: eleven years of servitude, fear and...
View ArticleDimitris Lyacos - an all-in-one densely layered poem, play, postmodern epic,...
Dimitris Lyacos, Z213: EXIT,Trans. by Shorsha Sullivan,Shoestring Press, 2016excerptsentangled narratives and dionysian frenzy: an interview with dimitris lyacosZ213: EXIT is the first installment of...
View ArticleNay Saysourinho - Who is human? Who is bot? Who is animal? Is someone “real”...
Nay Saysourinho, The Capture of Krao Farini,Ugly Duckling Presse, 2023The Capture of Krao Farini is part Turing test, part circus flyer. Written in the imagined voice of Krao Farini, a real sideshow...
View ArticleLogan Berry - A cursed book wrought from a cursed planet, a fetish-object...
Logan Berry, (Run-Off Sugar) Crystal Lake, 11:11 Press, 2021Camp Crystal Lake is on fire, and everything's been exhumed!!! In the burning forest it's impossible to distinguish between the killers, the...
View ArticleEdward Sanders - So, if you are looking for a fantastical view of the 1960s...
Edward Sanders, Shards of God, Random House, 1970 Ed Sanders’s Shards of God (1970), which is filled with obscenity at its stylistically finest. Not unlike Tuten, Sanders reinvents history, so that,...
View ArticleLeif Høghaug - Hadeland is a shadow home where spooks, ghosts, angels and...
Leif Høghaug, The Calf, Trans. by David M.Smith. Fum d'Estampa Press, 2024We meet our narrator in an underground office where he sharpens pencils, shreds paper, makes coffee for the other employees...
View ArticleDavid Bingham - a somewhat grandiose science fiction. It is K-Mart...
David Bingham, Yellow Switch Palace. ExpatPress, 2023chapter 1interview with David BinghamYellow Switch Palace is the world. It is, in premise, the entirety of human existence, my team versus your...
View ArticleStéphane Vanderhaeghe examines American works that defy traditional narrative...
Stéphane Vanderhaeghe, Dear Incomprehension:On American Speculative Fiction. University ofAlabama Press, 2024A poetic meditation on the challenges and pleasures of contemporary speculative fictionDear...
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Genese Grill, Portals: Reflections on the Spirit inMatter, 2022 live in a world that abounds with all manner of material things. Unfortunately,...
View ArticleFreya Stark muses on the seasons, the effect light has on a landscape at a...
Freya Stark, Perseus in The Wind: A Life ofTravel, Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2013Written just after World War II, Perseus in the Wind (named after the constellation) is perhaps the most personal, and...
View ArticleA Brief History of Authoterrorism - eight contemporary authors take aim...
A Brief History of Authoterrorism. ANTIBOOKCLUB, 2011By Whitney Anne Trettien, Nile Southern, David Rees, Mark Jay Mirsky, Jeffrey Dorchen, Andrei Codrescu, Terry Southern, and Ben GreenmanexcerptIn...
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Mochu, Bezoar Delinqxenz. Ed. by Edit Molnárand Marcel Schwierin. Sternberg Press, 2023 off along the grotesque evolutionary curve of the internet, this novel by Mochu...
View ArticleSam Watson - a book that shocks and confronts but the message is that the...
Sam Watson, The Kadaitcha Sung, Penguin, 1990"The Kadaitcha Sung tells the story of Tommy Gubba, son of Koobara, son of the chief of the Kadaitcha clan, and Fleur, a white woman, of Northern European...
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Carmen Pellegrino, The Earth is Falling. Shaun Whiteside. Prototype, 2024RECIPIENT OF AN ENGLISH PEN TRANSLATES AWARD, The Earth is Falling is a haunting and magical novel based around the...
View ArticleZebulon House - a psychotronic pornotopia after the future. In this...
Zebulon House, The Psychic Surgeon Assists.Calamari Archive, 2024The psychic surgeon assists crawls the psychotronic pornotopia of a New Hampshire after the future. In this speculative...
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Yuxin Zhao, The Moons: Fire Rooster to Earth Dog. Calamari Archive, 2024The Moons documents an intimate affair between two women living on opposite sides of Earth, a relationship confined mostly to a...
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Ed Atkins & Steven Zultanski, Sorcerer.Prototype, 2023Three friends hang out and share a long and unremarkable conversation about getting dressed, headaches, ticks, compression fantasies, surgery,...
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Michael Salu, Red Earth. Calamari Archive, 2023 Conversing with Dante, Yoruba metaphysics and probabilistic computation, Red Earth is an...
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Kelly Krumrie, Math Class. Calamari Archive,2022"Somewhere in the gap between correct answers and questions that can’t be formulated, girls are learning math. They aspire to seeing without taking...
View ArticleNatalie Clifford Barney - one of the great classics of modernism, this highly...
Natalie Clifford Barney, The One Who is Legion.Snuggly Books, 2023"For years I have been haunted by the idea that I should orchestrate those inner voices which...
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